Chilltober 11: filling

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"Can you pass Mommy the sugar?" Zoe asked, adjusting the speed on the electric mixer. 

Mallory handed her mother the 3/4 cup of packed brown sugar and Zoe poured it into the mixer.

"Mommy when is Grandma and Nana and Papa coming?" Mallory asked.

"Well, Daddy just texted and said that Grandma's plane just landed and they're waiting on Nana and Papa's plane." Zoe explained.

"So... soon?" Mallory asked, licking filling off of her finger.

"Yes sweetheart. Nana and Papa and Grandma will be here soon and Uncle Connor and Auntie Meredith and Lily will be here tomorrow. But for now, you and I have some pies to make!" Zoe said smiling. 

"What kiiiinds?" Mallory asked.

"Pumpkin pie and apple pie!" Zoe said, stopping the mixer. She poured the contents of the mixer into the homemade pie crust. 

"Now Miss Mal, into the oven goes our beautiful pumpkin pie." Zoe exclaimed, putting the pie into the oven.

"Yay!" Mallory cheered. Zoe closed the oven door and heard wails from upstairs.

"I'm going to go get your sister from her nap, hopefully Daddy will be home soon!" Zoe said, wiping her hands and walking upstairs.


"Hellooooo?" Evan called, as he walked into the house.

"Daddy!" Mallory yelled, running towards her father.

"Grandma! Nana! Papa!" Mallory yelled smiling.

"Oh my beautiful girl!" Heidi gasped, hugging Mallory tightly.

"Honey!" Evan called. 

"Mommy's upstairs with Tia. She's been crying a looot." Mallory explained. Cynthia snuck past Evan and scooped Mallory up.

"Hello sweet girl!" Cynthia said smiling.

"Nana!" Mallory smiled, as Zoe sighed walking down the stairs with Tia in her arms.

"Oh! Mom, Dad, Heidi! It's so nice to have you all here!" Zoe gasped.

"Oh my girl! How are you sweetheart?" Cynthia asked, setting Mallory down and hugging Zoe. 

"Na-na!" Tia babbled.

"Oh my goodness baby girl! Look how big you are!" Cynthia cooed.

"How are my girls?" Larry asked, walking out of the hall.

"Dad!" Zoe said, happily.

"Papa!" Mallory cheered.

"Pa-pa!" Tia screeched.

"How about we all get out of the front hall and get some drinks?" Zoe suggested, being followed by all of her family.

Evan walked up to her and squeezed her waist, kissing her on the cheek.

"Are you ready to have our entire family here tomorrow?" Evan asked.

"We'll have to see." 

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