Chilltober 7: fort

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Just a short one because I'm still not feeling mentally good. 8 and 9 will be up tomorrow!

Zoe could hear the giggles coming from the living room.

"Mal, what are you up to?" Zoe called.

There was no answer.

"Mallory?" Zoe asked. She walked into the living room and saw a massive pile of blankets and pillows.

"Mama I'm building a fort!" Mallory said smiling. Zoe smiled and knelt on the floor beside her daughter.

"Want some help?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded and Zoe smiled. It had been a very long time since she had built a fort but her and Connor used to do it all the time.

After many attempts, Zoe and Mallory stepped back and smiled.

"Fort Hansen." Mallory said. Zoe smiled and kissed her daughters head.

"We did it Mal!"

"We made a cool fort Mama."

"We sure did."

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