Chilltober 7: Leaves

103 9 7

(done in the style of an imagine because midterms are no joke y'all)


+ Zoe and Evan have a huge oak tree in their backyard.

+ When the leaves turn, they turn a beautiful shade of like red-orange and they come off the tree rather quickly

+ On Monday, while Mallory is at school, Zoe decides to go clean up the leaves because leaves on the grass = dead grass and Zoe hates that

+ So she straps Tia into the baby snuggly on her back and prays that she falls asleep

+ So she rakes all the leaves into a big huge pile

+ Like a BIG pile

+ She puts the rake down and goes inside, because Tia starts to get super fussy and Zoe knows it's too cold for her angel baby

+ So Zoe puts Tia down for a nap, because she's super upset and tired and Zoe feels that on a spiritual level

+ So Zoe puts Tia down for a nap and decides that naps are good for adults and the baby book does say that when baby naps, mom should nap, so that's what she does

+ She wakes up with Mallory nose to nose with her smiling, which scares the actual crap out of her 

+ Mallory starts talking about leaf art which reminds Zoe about the big ass pile of leaves in her backyard

+ So Zoe takes Mallory outside to jump in the leaves 

+ And Mallory LOVES IT

+ So when Evan comes home he jumps in the leaves with Mallory while Zoe makes supper 

+ And they're all like a super wholesome family TM

+ Because the Hansen's love fall and trees

+ and that's the tea

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