Chilltober 28: Pumpkins

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+Zoe and Evan take Mallory and Tia to a big old pumpkin patch like 10 minutes down the road

+Zoe is very very particular about her pumpkins, but Evan could kinda care less about pumpkins

+So Zoe picks out these beautiful, round pumpkins that are going to be really good for carving

+But Mallory is not havin it

+Mallory did not want to come get pumpkins

+Mallory wanted to stay home and do her colouring

+So Mallory is in a whole mood

+Evan is picking up on the presence of the mood and trying to cheer her up without Zoe noticing

+But Zoe is mother of the damn year and she KNOWS


+Because she is mother of the year

+She decides that she's gonna let Mallory pick her own pumpkin to bring home and either paint or carve, with Zoe or Evan's help


+She is SO happy to be included in this choice

+And because she is Evan's daughter, she picks a really weird kinda deformed pumpkin

+Zoe isn't loving it but she remembers her promise

+Every so often she thinks about the deformed pumpkin and how it'll put off her aesthetically pleasing front porch

+But the big smile on Mallory's face is enough for her to change her mind, because she loves it when her sweet girl is happy

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