8. Mark's best song

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"Jae, man you're early," said Mark.

He was in a great mood bouncing to the beat, tapping the paper with the pen.

"Jae how are you?" Taeil glanced up.

He was as happy as Mark what caused Jae to stop in the door, his best friend has been very miserable lately so this mood as something rather unexpected.

"Is Taeyong gone?" asked Taeil causing Jae's insides to hurt as if someone had kicked them.

"He's at the aifpoft," muttered Jae walking to the only empty chair in the room then falling on it.

He really tried to find the strength in his as he was ready to run out.

"At lest you had two memorable weeks," said Taeil.

"It's the same each time he's leaving fof longef, my body gets cfazy," Jae rubbed the skin on his hand that was tingling begging for Taeyong's touch.

"How long will it be this time?" asked Taeil.

"Two months I won't stand that long," Jae looked at them. "Enough of it, Mafk show the tfack you had fecofded so faf."

"That's the right motivation man," Mark jumped up walking to the small door. "I'll rap it to you, come Taeil we need to get the boss's approval for our collab song," Mark grinned wide.

"A collab song?" asked Jae when Taeil blushed hard.

"I just came to bring Mark some cookies for a nice start of the day but we started to jam and yes we had this idea."

"Ok just show it," Jae was happy he could concentrate on something else than missing Taeyong.

Mark was jumping up from excitement then him and Taeil walked to the microphone on the other side of the glass.

"Take one," said Jae pressing the beat Mark had saved as 'Rough draft 1'.

Jae's stomach twisted he remembered the song Taeyong couldn't find a title for so he named it 'Track 12', Taeyong's first love song to Jae, their first and only collaboration song, their love anthem.

'Because you fixed me healed me believed in me,' sang Jae quietly pressing the 'Rough draft 1' on play.

A hip hop beat with a ballad piano filled the room, Taeil was playing piano definitely, while the beat had the unmistakable Mark Lee style.

'Midnight treasures

there's nothing as bright as your love

Falling secretly forever

give me a thing as immortal as your pleasure

I can't tell you I want you

even between crushing worlds

I can't show you I love you

Forbidden love song, my sweet forbidden love song,"

Taeil's insanely angelic voice gave Jae's skin goose bumps when the boy intoned a romantic chorus with so much affection Jae was stunned. Lately Taeil's songs had been rather dry, chaotic, sad, unimpressive but this was like the ones Taeil had been writing when he had made one number one hit after another.

'Oh I can't show you that I love you

my forbidden treasure, my forbidden treasure.

Ey, You're like finding Nemo in the darkness

playing hide seek, freak, touch me

I was waiting forever to find someone just like you, hey

give me the beat, I'll roll your tongue to it,

push me closer, I'll pull you up the starlight skyline

fulfill your filling thirst of a soulmate

because it's just you, Han River sun

Namsan rooftop, we're way over each climax

when you're in my flat, in my 달콤한

Baby, I can't tell you I want you

I need to tell you I love you

my forbidden phantasy,'

Mark's rap was so smooth it raised butterflies in Jae's stomach as yes, he could address each of theses words to someone, someone who was in a plane right now, someone who had been his forbidden dream in high school when he was still living with his awful mother and his passive father.

'Oh midnight treasure

I wish nothing more than being by your side

Even if they can never find out

I'll await forever to be with you even if just for tonight,'

Taeil ended the next line when Jae smiled to himself, he kept smiling till the song ended then they looked at him, two pair of hopeful eyes so he grinned raising his thumbs up.

"Yes, can we do the collab?" asked Mark.

"Yes," Jae clapped.

"Yes!" Mark jumped up hitting Taeil's arm till the boy squealed.

It was midday when Jae sat down in restaurant with Taeil, they had stayed in the studio for a long time recording the song with Mark.

"How have you come up with this song?" asked Jae.

"Oh, Mark is inspiring," Taeil glanced at his plate.

"He can be when he's not tfying to make me gfow gfey haif way too eafly," Jae laughed.

"He's looking for himself I admire it, some of us don't have the courage for it," Taeil was sitting in front of the menu not ready to open it.

"Who afe you talking about?" asked Jae.

"Myself," Taeil's good mood faded so quickly.

"Laufen isn't youf fofbidden tfeause anymofe, she's youf giflffirnd you can go visit hef anytime," said Jae causing Taeil to look up.

"I managed to write the first meaningful song since a year why do you have to spoil it!"

"I don't but look how it is. Sicheng is cfying all the time, he's so sad I can't be afound him it hufts to see him like this, Doyoung is gfumpy all the time, you'fe misefable all the time," Jae raised his voice.

"Gentlemen can I take your orders?" asked a waiter stopping at their table.

"Not now!" shouted Jae.

The man apologized then fled quickly.

"Maybe it's because your and Taeyong are so happy together but others aren't that lucky!" Taeil became angry.

"Happy? I need to spent the next tow months without him but I'm not going to cfy day and night I'll wofk haft to have a decent time, to help Mafk," said Jae. "What's up with you and Laufen anyway?"

"Nothing!" Taeil opened the menu.

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