37. Deal

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"How have you slept Renjun?" asked Taeyong causing the boy to look up from his bowl.

"Ok," he said all frightened.

"And do you like the breakfast?"

The boy nodded. Jae took the chopsticks he filled his bowl will freshly cooked rice vegetables and meat. Renjun was finishing his meal eagerly dropping some rice seeds here and there but Taeyong was watching him in a warm way.

"I'll clean later," he whispered looking at Jae who guess how much of an inner battle it had been for him to simply watch the mess.

Despite all the worries, despite the little tension and awkwardness Jae really enjoyed this breakfast. It felt right he had no idea why but he knew Taeyong though it too when their eyes met briefly.

The hotel stuff came to clean up but Taeyong helped them, he sterilized the table after they had left while Renjun was watching him with interest.

"Jae has a short name you have a difficult one," said Renjun suddenly causing Taeyong to look up at him.

"You can call me Tae," he said when Renjun took a step back. "Really I'm not biting at all," laughed Taeyong. "It's strange dogs always like me and I thought children will like me too but looks like it's otherwise," Taeyong sighed.

Jae giggled he sat on the couch watching both of his loves so happy he would love to hug them.

"When do you need to be in the couft?" asked Jae.

"They moved the trial to the weekend so far we need to wait," said Taeyong.

"Listen I'll go to visit Kun," said Jae causing Taeyong too stop polishing the table top.


"Who is Kun?" asked Renjun jumping on the couch next to Jae cuddling to him immediately.

"It's one of the and guys with camefas."

"What do you want from him?" asked Taeyong.

"I have an idea," muttered Jae.

"Jae whatever idea you have Kun is the last person to make some deals with," Taeyong's voice was worried.

"Jae don't go to a bad guy, please!" squeaked Renjun.

"I know my ideas sometimes feel like a complete nonsense but I believe in this one," said Jae.

"Ok, if you do," Taeyong lowered his head.

"I'll texted him we can meet up afound 8 a.m. in a beach baf."

"What about Renjun?" asked Taeyong.

"Junie will stay with you fof an houf," said Jae.

"No!" cried Renjun cuddling to him closer.

"Junie this is vefy impoftant do you want to stay with us?" asked Jae.

"Yes," Renjun started to cry again.

"So you need to tfust me ok, I'll be out fof an houf of tow not longef ok and Taeyong will take cafe of you, pfomise me you'll be nice to him."

Renjun started to tremble, he looked from Jae to Taeyong and to Jae again.

"Be quick," he whispered with his head down.

"I will," Jae kissed his forehead then moved up from the couch.

He grabbed his phone wallet, jacket and the car keys.

Renjun was sobbing quietly while Taeyong was looking at Jae seriously.

"Good luck," he said and Jae's stomach twisted he walked back leaning in and placing a long kiss on Taeyong's lips then he left the butterflies still dancing in him.

The sun was raising the promenade not tourist packed yet but the bar Kun had chosen was a very shady looking one. Jae pushed the door open he coughed from all the smoke in the air, the room was dark despite the sunny day only a few clients sitting here and there smoking cigarettes above their beer.

Jae spotted Kun who was on a rotten couch in the corner staring into space blankly, his state has worsened since their last meeting, Kun's eyes were very blurred the dark shadows on his cheeks deeper, his skin a sallow color, his clothes dirty and rumpled.

"Hi," said Kun noticing Jae only when he took the chair opposite to him. "So how's your little family?" asked Kun his lips moving up to a smile. "The boy is as ugly as you and Taeyong so he fits."

"Thank you," muttered Jae realizing in Kun's world this was a compliment.

"So did you came to beg me to not to publish some of these photos before the trial," asked Kun placing a brown envelope on the table.

Jae ignored it so Kun fished the photos out spreading them on the table top.

Jae saw him and Renjun in the restaurant, them cuddling in their hotel room, Jae helping Renjun to dress up in the morning or drying his hair. There were close ups of him and Taeyong kissing on the couch.

"I came to ask how much it will cost fof you to publish only the photos that afe showing mine and Fenjun's bond, and that he's tfeated fight by us?" asked Jae.

Kun's laugh filled the room.

"Even Taeyong doesn't have that much money," he said.

"Stop it it's a business meeting I'm youf client as each of the magazines you'fe selling to, I thought you'fe a pfofessional," said Jae.

Kun's laugh faded his blurry eyes glittered with hate.

Kun's laugh faded his blurry eyes glittered with hate

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