31. Mission

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Jae stopped abruptly while the woman looked at him her face all red.

"You're not allowed to come in here!" she said raising the stick.

"Jae!" cried Renjun when she hit him again causing Jae's blood to boil over.

He walked to the woman who let go of the boy and stepped back as Jae was tow heads teller than her.

"Leave or I'll call the police!" cried the woman.

"I'll call them ffist fepofting child abuse," said Jae grabbing the cried out Renjun from the floor the boy cuddled to him immediately his tiny body shivering madly.

"How do you expect us to keep order here? The children are bad!" shouted the woman.

"Come," said Jae carrying Renjun out.

"Dalli! Don't leave Dalli!" cried the boy and Jae noticed the plush sheep lying on the floor, he turned around walked back grabbed the sheep then left the room immediately.

"Sir you're not allowed here!" shouted the older security running his way but Jae ignored, he carried Renjun upstairs to the head's office to slam the door open causing the woman and Taeyong to jump up.

"Jae what?" asked Taeyong becoming pale.

"What are you doing to the child!" cried the lady.

"Taking it away ffom hefe. Taeyong he was beaten with a stick downstaifs," said Jae when Taeyong opened his moth in shock.

"You can't it's illegal! I'm calling the police!" shouted the woman grabbing a phone.

"You can call whoevef you like it's illegal to use violence on childfen," said Jae. "Taeyong I'm taking him, ok?" he asked.

"Ok, I'm calling my lawyers, just take care of him," Taeyong squeezed Jae's hand quickly.

Jae left the room got through the workers who were trying to stop him throwing swearwords at him but he boxed his way out with Renjun who was clinging to him with the plush sheep.

Jae pushed the front door open to find flashes going on, the whole square in front of the facility was filled with paparazzi, so Jae used his palm to cover Renjun's face from the press when he was continuing getting through them to the car. He opened the door on the passenger side putting Renjun on it then placed Taeyong's baseball cap on the boy's head and told him to cover his face with Dalli which the boy did. He fastened Renjun's seatbelt then slammed the door shut walking around the car when he saw Kun sneaking behind him with a wide smile.

He ignored jumping on the driver's seat starting the engine then driving off the paparazzi fleeing from the car as he wasn't ready to stop.

"Jae you will save Dalli and me?" asked Renjun between quiet sobs Taeyong's snapback falling down to his eyes.

"Sufe," he whispered lifting Taeyong's cap so Renjun could see.

They drove to the hotel while Ranjun stopped to sniff hew was watching the car with interest cuddling to the sheep.

Jae saw a lot of paparazzi crowding in front of the hotel but he decided to go through them again.

"Thefe will be men with camefas again but don't woffy you'fe with me," said Jae looking at Renjun. "Ok," he smiled and the boy nodded. "Just covef youf face it's impoftant."

"Why?" asked Renjun.

"Because they afe bad people who won't fespect youf pfivacy ok, I'll explain bettef latef just tfust me, ok."

"Ok," Renjun moved Dalli up to his nose only the big dark orbs visible between Taeyong's too big snapback and the stuffed animal. "Is this ok?" ask Renjun.

"Peffect," Jae smiled.

He left the car moving around it taking Renjun out the boy hugged his neck immediately cuddling him face in Jae's shoulder.

Jae was walking in the same manner ignoring the flashes and shouts the questions thrown in his face, the hotel stuff hurried to help him inside he breathed in deeper again when he was in the hall behind the glass door.

"Now we will get you a foom," said Jae.

"No don't leave me," begged Renjun.

"Oh... ok you can sleep in ouf bed tonight, I'll take the couch," Jae caressed Renjun's back carrying him to the elevator.

Soon they were in the room but Renjun was still cuddling to him refusing to let go so Jae sat down on the bed cuddling the boy until he stopped shivering.

"Ok?" he asked.

"Yes," Renjun sat on his lap looking at the room while Jae took Taeyong's snapback off his head Renjun's fluffy hair sticking in all directions.

"A pretty room," he said.

"Do you like it?"

"And... my Moomin!" he said noticing the drawing on Jae's bedside table his face lighting up.

"Yes it's on the honofafy place," said Jae.

"Jae is the best," said Renjun cuddling to his chest causing Jae to melt innerly.

What has he told Taeyong about not willing to have someone cute in the family because suddenly Renjun was family as much as Taeyong.

An hour passed, Renjun had fallen asleep on the bed cuddling to Dalli so Jae was walking around the other room trying to reach Taeyong through the phone. His boyfriend wasn't picking up what made Jae even more worried. He feared the police will storm the hotel any second to arrest him then bring Renjun back to this awful people and he couldn't have that.

His phone vibrated causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.

"Hello, hello Taeyong!" he asked.

"No Sicheng," said a voice causing him to pull on his hair. "Jae what has Jae done?" asked the boy.

"Please call latef I'm waiting fof Taeyong to call," begged Jae.

"Please call latef I'm waiting fof Taeyong to call," begged Jae

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Much <3

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