65. Traces in the sand

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They took Mr. Moon's taxi back, the man was very quiet he was driving slowly and carefully keeping the limits and never even overtaking another car. Mark was watching the darkness behind the widows with a beaten up expression while Jae was still too stunned to believe it all.

And then he realized Kun had a photo of Mark's secret he could use in the least convenient moment.

"Mafk, you had wfitten it on a gfaffiti in New Yofk fight?" asked Jae.

The boy turned his sad gaze on him.

"I wanted to but the cops came man and I didn't manage to write it so no worries no one knows."

Jae inhaled again so Kun was lying the whole time as he always did. Yet Kun was in the resort so Jae needed to catch him and throw out then he will talk to Lauren and to Taeyong.

"Jae can you keep it a secret from everyone even from Taeyong?" asked Mark.

"Yes, I pfomise," said Jae squeezing the boy's hand.

Mark smiled in a faint way.

It was around midnight when they reached the resort to fiend a few police cars in front of it.

"What happened?" asked Mark getting pale.

Jae glanced at Mr. Moon who parked the taxi a little further away from the gate his hands trembling on the wheel.

"Boy tall then I was just curious ok, and if I'll be in jail tell my wife and daughter that... I love them... and Jae tell my kid I'm always proud of him very very proud of him," begged Mr. Moon.

"You'll tell him youfself," said Jae. "Just come with us quick," he left the taxi with Mark when Mr. Moon followed behind them all where trembling reaching the gate where an officer stopped them.

"I'm Jung Jaehyun, I'm a guest hefe and these afe Mafk Lee another guest and Mf. Moon the fathef of the bfidegroom," explained Jae.

The man checked their ID's then left to the reception to ask before he let them in.

Jae told Mark and Mr. Moon to go to their rooms quickly while Mark stopped him when Mr. Moon disappeared in an alley.

"Jae I'll pack and go to the airport ok?" he said.

"Sufe let me know once you'll feach youf pafents' house, and good luck, you can call anytime no matter if it's day of night," Jae tapped his shoulder.

"Thanks man I've never deserved you as a friend," Mark lowered his head then left quickly.

Jae walked back to the receptionist who was very nice but so nervous.

"Why is the police hefe?" asked Jae.

"Oh! They're looking for a guy that was smuggling drugs who had hidden in the resort they are searching each bungalow I'm sorry sir I'm apologizing for the inconvenience," said the man.

"A guy smuggling dfugs?" asked Jae in shock.

A guy smuggling dfu... or wasn't he smuggling at all, they just found the drugs in his luggage when he came, but it was for his own use - Kun. Jae turned around walking out to the map of the resort if he was Kun where would he hide. At Sicheng's, definitely, Jae turned that way walking straight to Sicheng and Yuta's bungalow knocking hard.

"Officer how many times really people want to sleep!" Yuta opened, he was rubbing his eyes. "Oh it's you, even worse, Sicheng isn't here he's with your slimy kid so back off!" Yuta slammed the door in his face causing Jae to boil.

Ok so the plan had cracked should he keep looking, he didn't want to go back to see Taeyong yet, he was way too torn.

He decided to go on with his fist plan and visit Lauren although he had no idea what to tell her. He was walking to the lagoon along the beach while he stopped noticing some blood in the sand his heart sped up when he moved his shoe over it covering the traces. He was working quickly till he reached the bungalow then knocked lightly.

"It's me Jae," he said quietly.

He heard the door being unlocked then Lauren glanced out.

"Come in," she whispered letting him in then locking the door.

"Laufen afe you huft thefe was blood thefe?" asked Jae.

"Oh no we must be quick!" she turned running to the room Taeil had been lying in last time when Jae had talked to him, Jae followed her in to see Kun who was sitting on the bed clenching hie teeth while Lauren was trying to put bandage over his bleeding ankle.

"Laufen why afe you helping him?" asked Jae stunned.

"He's a person Jae," whispered Lauren when Kun groaned loud. "Jae if they will catch him he will never leave the prison here."

Jae wanted to say that it won't be that bad but bit his tongue.

"The police is evefywhefe," he said. "What has he done to himself anyway?"

"He was trying to hide on the roof of my bungalow but slid off it, I think he must have sprained his ankle or worse," she said.

"Ah!" groaned Jae. "Ok Kun lets's say I'll help you but you won't evef make any photos of us of stalk us again of use anything of the matefial you have."

Kun turned his mad eyes to him.

"That's my deal," said Jae.

"Oh ok," groaned Kun wincing more.

"Gfeat can you walk?" asked Jae. "Let's move him up," he said to Lauren both grabbed Kun from the sides.

They escorted him out of the room while he was jumping on one leg.

They were at the door but Jae turned around running to the room taking Taeil's clothes out, packing them in a bag till it looked like a normal hand luggage then walked to them.

"What is it?" asked Lauren.

"Mafk is going to the aifpoft, Kun you'fe an SJ Music touf managef fight. You wefe injufed dufing a boat tfip today so as Mafk is flying back he's taking you with him," said Jae quickly.

Kun nodded while the two lifted him going to the main alley while some officers passed them.

"What heppened sir?" asked one.

Thank you for the your support and love, I was actually afraid you won't like Markil but I'm glad you do

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Thank you for the your support and love, I was actually afraid you won't like Markil but I'm glad you do.
What do you think about Jae deciding to help Kun? Will his plan work?

Much <3

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