22. Nickname

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Ten and Rachel were sad when Taeyong had told them he's leaving with Jae, but they decided to invite Ten's mother to help them, so two days later the boys were ready to leave the house.

"Uncle Taeyong will miss you," Taeyong kissed the twins foreheads goodbye before he left the house while Jae who was very frustrated again trembled from anger. He had discussed the plan with Doyoung who said it's ridiculous to give Taeyong fake hope and it will only lead to a massive break up, but Jae believed in his plan. He just needed to show Taeyong how great it is to be alone with him.

How unfitting all these adoptive children are.

So three days later they set off from their city, with a plan ahead. Taeyong had made a map of orphanages along the country, they hired a big car, packed suitcases for a long trip then set off in the early morning.

Jae was nervous, he really hoped Taeyong won't do anything stupid like adopting the first child they will see especially as his boyfriend's mood was amazing, he was singing in the car, eating a lot of sweets joking loud. Yes such moods were very rare for Taeyong Jae always used to enjoy them when they occurred, but today he was everything than willing to join the hype.

'Jae, Yuta take plan to London morning,' Sicheng's text has made his mood even worse.

So Yuta had really left to see Lauren and Taeil, yes Taeil was being very quiet lately barely answering text.

They were at the main road out of the city when Jae's phone rang. He pressed the loudspeaker.

"Jae need to come to company right now!" it was Sicheng his voice very shaky.

"Sicheng calm down Yuta won't see hef," said Jae.

"No, no about Yuta but Mark," said Sicheng causing Jae to take a gear down.

"What's with Mafk?" he asked.

"Mark on all covers naked, in New York strip club," said Sicheng causing Jae to nearly drive into the nearest car Taeyong grabbed the steering wheel in the last second.

"Sicheng we're on our way," said Taeyong.

"Am I on the photos too?" asked Jae in horror while he was trying hard to get the car out of the traffic.

"Guess it's Jae but press not know," said Sicheng.

Jae glanced at Taeyong who giggled loud.

"We'll be at the company soon don't worry," said Taeyong ending the call.

Jae managed to park the car on the side of some less crowded street.

"I'll drive ok," said Taeyong so they changed seats, Jae's head buzzing.

He started to check all the gossip sites seeing close ups of Mark dancing naked in the club, yes he was on one photo only, the moment when he was turned to the audience with his back, just his bare butts visible from the intimate parts.

"Calm down," said Taeyong rubbing his knee but Jae was reading one article after another.

Ok some fans a were more than happy to see their idol's treasures but for his company it meant such an embarrassment. Jae didn't answer the call from Doyoung, he was happy when the SJ Music building appeared in front of them. Soon he was out from the elevator hurrying to Sicheng's office. Sicheng was sitting on the armchair with his head low his face as swollen and cried out as always lately.

"And Yuta left," he said when Jae stormed the office.

Taeyong stayed downstairs, he was giving Jae an endless space when it came to his business.

"I was pfetty sufe no one will fecognize us," said Jae falling on the second chair.

"Jae bad, vefy bad, was there to support Mark not do tings like that with him!" shouted Sicheng.

Jae felt like slapped he lowered his head, ok he has fucked up as a manager.

"Don't know what to do!" said Sicheng.

"He's not the fifst naked supefstaf," muttered Jae.

"Doyoung thinking about a public apology, Mark don't want, Mark proud of it, talk to him morning this," Sicheng started to cry again, he was really worse than Ten's twins. "And Yuta left to London, will lose Yuta," he sobbed louder.

"Sicheng, Yuta will come back concentfate on Mafk,"said Jae.

"Was speak to magazine published who had first photo, but... but it's no turning back now, everyone see. Jae he said who made photo it's so so bad," Sicheng started to speak between his sobs.

"What do you mean?" asked Jae.

"Photographer gets by nickname DanDan," said Sicheng.

"Who?" Jae had no idea what's so bad about it.

"Nickname of Qian Kun," said Sicheng causing all hair on Jae's body to jump up.

Kun was their nightmare since high school when he had made photos of Jae and Taeyong kissing then sent it to Taeyong's company he was threatening them for long years using the photos to make them do his homework or clean his dorm.

"Is he out of the clinic?" asked Jae in shock.

The last he had heard about Kun the boy was doing an anti drug treatment.

"Yes," Sicheng shook his head miserably.

"If he didn't say I was on the shoots too he wants something, do you have his numbef?" asked Jae.

"Yes," Sicheng shivered. "No bad to Kun he's a sick person," said Sicheng dictating the number to Jae.

But in this moment the door opened and Doyoung hurried inside he was very pale his red hair in all directions, his glasses slipping to the edge of his nose.

But in this moment the door opened and Doyoung hurried inside he was very pale his red hair in all directions, his glasses slipping to the edge of his nose

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What about Kun becoming a paparazzo? Why haven't he sold Jae's photos?

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Much <3

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