Author's note

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Dear Readers,

I really want to thank you for all the great support you're giving me as a writer. For all the support given this book series.

It's been a long journey since book 1, I feel like we're growing up together like the characters, it's very difficult for me to write this author's note because I'm so emotionally attached to all of you and this story, I can't believe we've made it through 3 books already.
I was very in between minds whether to end Jaeyong's story here, but your support made me decide to continue the series.

Book 4 will be a little different as Jaeyong are grown up and leading a fulfilled life, but I hope you will still enjoy the new adventure and continue to support the story.
I hope to see you all in book 4 next Tuesday :)

All the love ❤️

Little Lion

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