Plane disaster

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Just then the man took a seat next to me just staring at me...until I saw his eyes were staring at my breast!! I wear a D-cup (bra size) and so most perverts enjoy looking at my clevage or A**. The man leans closer to me and grabs one of my boobs then says "why don't you come home with me tonight cutie?" I was so shocked I slapped him. I decided to get up and go sit next to Skylar when he grabs my hand and slaps my butt. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore and I punched him so hard I might have knocked out a tooth. He quickly released and I ran to sit with my sister.

Skylar's POV
I woke up in a shock seeing my sister sitting next to me starting to tear up I asked her what happen and she did her best to explain. After that I called over an attendant and told them the whole story. They went to speak to the man and he was kicked off the plane. "Is she alright would she like anything to drink? If so its on me..." I thought that voice sounded familiar I look to the seat behind me and thats when I saw him.....

Hey I might start adding a bit of "Mature content" around 12 or 13+ and you will see a ⚠ indicating that its coming up Example: He pushed her against the wall and they both started deepening the kiss taking short breathes in between.
Well have a goodnight Day or after noon!!!!

270 words

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