Nathan X Skylar?!?

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Skylar's POV
We arrived at home seeing Y/N in her half wolf form sleeping. We all give an 'awww' and slowly crowed around her..."Hey Skylar?" Moose whispers "Yes Moose?" I say. "Have you ever well.....felt Y/N's ears and tail before?"
Without hesitation I replied with, "Yes they can be fluffy at times she sometimes uses them as weapons mostly her tail." "Why?" says Moose "idk ask her when she wakes up" I reply

M- Well....I'm just gonna...

Moose reaches to touch Y/N's ears...

Y/N- What are you doing?

Y/N woke up and immediately grabbed Moose's arm.

Y/N- if you want to touch my ears its gonna be a lot harder than that George.

Moose- Moose not George remember?

Y/N- looks like your gonna have to make me say it George!!!

Y/N quickly trys to run up the stairs but is caught and thrown over Georges shoulder.

Y/N- P-Put me down!!! I don't like Physical activity remember!!!

M- Oh really then why would you always enjoy my kisses and hugs?


M- Gotcha there...

I gave off a slight giggle and then Nathan tapped me on the shoulder and told me to follow him. He led me to the roof and we sat there talking.

Nathan- So Skylar....I've never got the opportunity to ask you you maybe want to go out sometime?

Skylar- I would love too!!!

Nathan- Awesome!!!

Skylar- oh and one more thing!!!

I lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Skylar- I would love it if we could actually be a thing..... But if I'm going to fast that's ok!!!

Nathan- No no no!! I was well....thinking the same thing....I've also wondered.... Are you able to change like Y/N?

Skylar- ....well....I-

Suddenly I was interuppted

Y/N- Yep! She is!

Skylar- Y/N!!!

Nathan- Would you mind if I were to see?

Moose- Yeah me too!!

Skylar- You too Moose!!! Ugh fine....

I get up and head to the edge of the roof.

Skylar- Look away guys other that Y/N her eyes don't get affected to the light. And I want her to change with me.

Y/N- Aye sir!

I turn into my first form my Half dragon form.

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