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Skylar's POV
George up and walks over to Y/N. He picks her up and she lets out a little shriek which was extremely cute. He carries her upstairs to his bedroom and throws Y/N on the bed pinning her down. He leans in to her ear and says "Tonight I'll make sure I keep you to myself" Says George. Y/N was so embarresed she didn't know what to do. George leaned it to kiss her and she passed out.

George- Well then.....

Amelia- I would have given her that dare!!

Skylar- Well...let's leave her here for now....

We head back down stairs to continue

I woke up laying in George's bed everything rushed to my mind about what happened. George wouldn't make a move like that would he? I got up and got ready to head downstairs when I got a text from Tsugumi...

T- Hey Darklight Wolfdragon think you would be able to visit tonight!!!

Y/N- You miss me or something? Besides it would take me like 3 or 4 hours.....

T- please..... we actually have a foreign student her with us his names Ein he's a werewolf like you!!!

Y/N- Don't compare me to him he's probably just a weak littls mutt. I'll make sure I try and kick his a**

T- So your coming!!!

Y/N- I guess so...


Y/N- See you until then bye

T- Bye!!!

I head downstairs and take the food off the stove.

Y/N- Guys come eat foods ready.

They all get up and make their selves a bowl. George walks over to me and whispers in my ear. "Maybe you can be mine tonight" I blush and give him a gentle shove. "Get out of here you goof!" I say He chuckles and walks off.

Nathan- Y/N this is amazing!!!

Amelia- Yeah!!! George looks like you'll gave a great wife to cook for you!!!

George- Oh be quiet Amelia!!! But man you should be in food competitions!!!!

Skylar- She has been a few times before. She's been first every year other than when someone cheated and made her get second place. I haven't heard of that girl ever since. She went missing around 3 days after the competition.

Y/N- Oh..well...uh...heh...That's in the past now!!!

Amelia- Y/N killed her...

Everyone- WHAT!!!

Y/N- I didn't kill her!!! I simply took her far far away...she's probably still there... Or dead... I think she escaped and told the Police but never mind that!

George- Well uh....I don't know how I feel about that....

Y/N- Are you going to leave me now? That's what happened with all my friends when they heard about what I did....

George- No...no..no!! I understand why you would do that your anger must have taken over....

Y/N- ding ding ding...correct...but actually I have something important to tell you guys.... I'm going to be staying in Tokyo, Japan for just about 3 days.....your welcome to join me but I need to take on someone there....

Skylar- Your leaving?!?!? You didn't even talk to us about this!!!!

Y/N- Well...heh..

Amelia- Are you sure though Y/N it could bring back bad memories.....like the fighting....training..... Abuse...

Y/N- Don't worry I'll be happy to see Master after such a long time....besides I have to make sure everything is alright! He's probably very old now so it would be best fo check on him. If you guys feel like joining your welcome to I'm leaving tonight though....

George- Well....I don't know Y/N its already pretty late.....

Nathan- Yeah besides how will we get there?

Y/N- I'll fly us there you guys can make your choice if I am to much of a wreckles flyer then have Skylar take you Amelia knows where the place is so its easier....

Skylar- Sis I didn't mean any of that...

Y/N- Well I am a pretty rough drive so...I don't mind...

Amelia- Well I'm for sure going!!!

Skylar- Well....I might as well see where you were living for all these years.....

Y/N- Perfect! You boys in?

Nathan- Yeah sure I'm down!

George- Me too!

Skylar- Awesome! But before we get ready to go....wanna see something funny guys?

George- Sure!

Skylar picks up an object and throws it into a hall before it hits the floor I jump and catch it.

Skylar- Bring it back Y/N!!!

I do my little playful "puppy run" over to her and drop it on the floor

Y/N- Woof!...uh...I-I mean Skylar I thought I told you to stop doing this!!!

George- Wait Y/N....did you just....Bark?

808 words



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