The Gang pt.4 (END)

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Tsugumi  POV

We decided to take Moose and Nathan to far lake that's about 2 miles away from the guild but we haven't told them why...

Tsugumi- Ok we have arrived

Moose- Really? You just brought us to a lake...that's all!..

Nathan- Yo Moose ok bro..

Paula- It's for your own goo-

Suddenly we hear a rustle in the bushes and we get into our fighting pose...

Tsugumi- Don't move...

We waited a second that's when Amelia runs out at us out of breath....

Paula- Oh Amelia what are you doing here?

Amelia- You guys....are in more danger....

Nathan- Danger!? What's going on!

Amelia- Paula know how Y/N has a wolf gang but would never show us?...

Tsugumi- Yes..

Amelia- Well two of them of them are coming here....sent to kill you...

Tsugumi- Psh...well this will be easy it's just some wild wolves....

Amelia- No......they ar-

Cerberus- Do I look like a wild Wolf to you?....

We all go silent and turn our direction to Cerberus who was standing before us....we then start get cold chills...,

Cerberus- Lucifer....what are you...doing here....

Lucifer- I was sent to help....

Cerberus- Well leave I don't nee-

Lucifer- I was sent to help and I'm going to help...unless you want Y/N to know yo-

Cerberus- grr...When this is over.....your dead meat...

Lucifer- Haha I'm already dead though..

We akwardly stood there watching them argue...

Cerberus- Anyways....which one of you are Tsugumi Paula and George....

We all didn't say a word.... 

He suddenly growls and gets closer....

Cerberus- Answer me NOW!

We still don't say a word...

Lucifer- Lets just kill them all Cerby...

Cerberus- Hm..for once you had a good idea...

Lucifer- Tch...

Cerberus- Now then....there are 5 of you....3 with powers...2 with no one of Moose...

Tsugumi- I am...

Cerberus- Don' me...Tsugumi..

Tsugumi- W..what? I am Moose...

Cerberus- You think I don't know who you are?...I can either kill you guys and take Moose then bring him back...or...simply take moose...and act like I killed you...

Lucifer- But that would be going against Y/N's wishes!!

Cerberus- Did you just call her by her name?....

Lucifer- Yeah so what she lets us do that...

Cerberus- At first....did when she was younger....not now!

Lucifer- Come on Cerby...Y/N wouldn't care....

Cerberus- they won't tell me who Moose is...use you weird tell me...

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