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Skykar's POV
I realized that Y/N quickly dashed over and knocked Moose away from me. He stumbled but didn't fall down, I stopped and yelled at Y/N. She was looking down and I saw drops over water falling from her face....is she crying? Next thing I know Y/N runs off I forgot she was is track....damn she's fast. Nathan helps George get up and I go follow Y/N. After a few minutes I lost sight of her until I heard a soft voice crying I look up and Y/N is sitting in a tree. Nathan and George walk over and we just wonder what went on....

Why did I shove him out the way? U touched my cheeks and they were hot. Am I blushing?!?!? What's wrong with me could I possibly have feelings for this guy I just met? That's ridiculous!!! But if I did like him...how would I tell him...He probably thinks I'm a Psycho now....I ruin everything..

Moose's POV
We stood under a tree that Skylar's sister was in. None of us were sure what just happened so we left Skylar  to talk in Private with her. Nathan taps me on the shoulder "Dude are you alright? She looked like she hit u pretty hard?" I nodded my head and we decided to go to Starbucks to take our minds off of the situation. I text Skylar to ask if she wanted anything.

M-moose S-Skylar

M-Hey going to Starbucks with Nathan wasn't anything?

S- Sure!!!

M- OK what would you like?

S- Tall Carmel frappachino latte please and Can I get a Peppermint Tall Chai tea for my sister please?

M- Wait that's your sister?!!!??!?! You guys don't really look alike!!!

S- I'll explain later and thanks I'll pay you back!!!

M-No that's OK but meet me at the car.


Skylar's POV
I convinced Y/N to come down and we headed to the car. There we met up with Moose and Nathan.

M: Here's your Tall Carmel Frap and here's a Peppermint Chai for you...

I looked over at Y/N making sure she wouldn't do anything bad.... She walked to the Car door and whispered thanks. Nathan and I decided to sit in the back and Y/N sat in the front. Y/N ended up falling asleep I'm the cutest way I've ever seen!!!! I took a few pictures and less than I had known we were at our new home...

Moose's POV
We unloaded the boxes and then sat down. It popped into my mind that Skylar's friend was still in the car. I grabbed my car keys unlocked the door and picked her up. She was super light!!!! When I walked back inside Skylar and Nathan were grinning and giggling. "I totally ship it!!!!" Nathan said His scream was so loud it made Y/N wake up. When she realized she was in my arms she jumped out as fast as she could and ran upstairs into her new room.

I was so flushed I just knew I was!!! What did he think he was doing!!! We just met and he's already touching me?!?!?!? I was so furious I stomped downstairs and my hand balled up into a fist. As I was getting ready to punch Moose in the stomach Skylar grabbed my hand and pinned me down. George and Nathan were shocked. "Say your sorry for hurting moose earlier today and getting ready to hurt him" said Skylar "Ha not a chance you can't make me" I said Skylar put my arm into a more uncomfortable position making it hurt more "say it" She said I still restricted myself from saying it until she started to bend back my fingers 1 by 1 it hurt so bad I couldn't do anything but to do as she said. "IM SORRY OK IM SORRY I DID THAT" she then got off of me and I ran outside to who knows were I didn't stop running until shortly after I was embraced in a tight grip...I knew no matter what I did....They wouldn't let go....

I have to do homework so sorry but its got to end I may try posting one later but for now I hope u enjoyed!!!

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I have to do homework so sorry but its got to end I may try posting one later but for now I hope u enjoyed!!!

Word count: 733

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