School girl

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Y/N's POV my secrets out..everyone knows I haven't graduated highschool yet and I have about 1 week left to go...I turn towards the girl and punch in the nose causing her to fall back..

Y/N- Did I warn you? Or are you just to stupid to not listen you should know better than to mess with me...

Girl in guild- little Sl-

Y/N- Go on...say it I dare you..I might not be average high..but I can still beat you up...

Girl- You'll pay Y/N....just you wait...see you at school later~ 

Y/N- Tch...

And with that she gets up pats me on the head and leaves with her minions following...

Y/N- Ugh...I'll kill her..

Sky- Y/N.....

Y/N- Ye-u..uh..

I turn to see an angry mob of people towering over me other than Todoroki and Amelia..

Sky- Why didn't you tell us that you were still in school even I thought you graduated!!

Y/N- Well I graduated from actual school...but this ones different plus I told Amelia..

Sky- Amelia..

Amelia- She threatened to hurt me if I told...

Sky- Ugh...typical Y/N...

Y/N- So..yeah anyways I have to go get ready not....BYE!!

I quickly go running out the door and head back to the guild leaving everyone behind me...


My alarm goes off and I slowly wake starts in an hour and 30 minutes....I head to the bathroom and start getting ready....Today I decide to wear make-up.....everyone knows I was the queen of the school...until I left and that Bi-girl....became "ruler"....I went to my closet debating whether I wanted to wear my boys uniform or girls one..."might as well stick with the girl one so I don't get questioned..." I said to my self and got dressed...

" I said to my self and got dressed

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Girls  and boys uniform

Y/N's make up kinda

Y/N's make up kinda

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