Welcome to the Underworld

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Nathan's POV
As we all jump through the mysterious pit of doom I see my world falling apart. Is this even reality? Am I just stuck in some dream that seems like it's going to last forever?...none of this can be real..its just...not possible.

We land on the ground with a hard thud. Everyone was groaning in pain, Amelia however quickly stood up and dusted herself off.

Nathan- You could have warned us when we were going to hit the ground at least...

Amelia- Heh..should have been prepared..I mean you are in hell after all.

We all let out an annoyed sigh and slowly got up.

Amelia- Well follow me!

We start walking towards a humongous castle with fire and Lava everywhere..


Amelia- oh come on..you guys know who I am..

Guards- I'm sorry but rules are rules! Turn back now or we will have to remove you by force!

Amelia- I dont think you wanna do that.

Guard 1- You dare threaten us?!? Let death be upon t-

Y/N- Wassup guys!

We all look up to see Y/N smirking at us from ontop of Cerberus.

Amelia- Suprised to see you aren't hiding in your little temple 'Princess'~

Y/N's smirk faded away and soon a cold stare appeared on her face.

Y/N- Guards..

Y/N then snaps her fingers

Y/N- At-

???- WAIT!

That voice sounds familiar..

???- MG!!

We all turn our attention to the sudden voice.

???- MG!

everyone (but Jonathan)- JONATHAN?!

John- Oh hi you guys..have you seen MG?..

Y/N- That would be me...now what are you doing back here?..

John- I wanted to visit you! But how come you look different?..

Y/N- Don't worry about it..

Sky- Well..John turns out your Y-MG's little brother.

John- What?

Y/N- Well actually half brother kinda..you're special you have a little power in you! I can't tell you how you got it however, but I can say you were born with part demon in you! And I..well my other transformation is ig.

John- This is all confusing..but I just wanted to say high again and thank you!

Y/N- How did you get here anyway?..

John- Ritual...


John- I took a bit of your hair and used it to get me here..

Y/N- Aish this kid..well you should head back before your parents get worried..


Cerby- Yes?

Y/N- Open the portal please.

Cerby- As you wish..

Cerberus opens a portal leading back to Jonathan's room.

John- Take care MG!

Y/N- You too John.

And with that he disappeared. Behind Cerberus and Y/N a guard came running from the castle and ran to the men guarding the front gate. He then whispered something in their ears and they all looked at one another then nodded.

Guard 1- Prince-

Y/N- We've been over this..don't call me princess.

She says in a deep low cold tone. The guard gulps and restarts his sentence.

Guard- Your highness?

Y/N- Better I guess..

The guard lets out a sigh and continues.

Guard- He will be back shortly, I recommend you leave now.

Y/N nods

Y/N- Thank you for the information

She then Pat's Cerberus on the head.

Y/N- Po-

Cerby- Right ahead of you.

Cerberus summons a portal back to the human world and we all go in one by one and Cerberus closed the portal once all of us have safely returned.

Y/N- Soooo uh...dinner anyone?..

Everyone stares at Y/N with a blank cold stare.

Y/N- I'll co-

Everyone- We're in.

Y/N-...I hate you guys..

We all laugh and start to head back to the guild, little did they know what was waiting for them when they got back.

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