The gang pt.3

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Skylars POV

We all start fighting our opponents...first my mom first Todoroki...Ranger..circles him for a while he gets ready to attack and leaps at Todoroki....Todoroki stomps the ground and sends ice shooting out of it...Ranger luckily dodges it and lands on the floor....while Ranger was disoriented Todoroki was able to go behind Ranger and traps his body in ice only leaving his head out...

Todoroki- a Well that was easy...What now Skylar?..

Sky- You must strike him in the forehead..

Todoroki- Really that's it?..

Sky- Well for him at least...

Todoroki shrugs and does what I told him to Ranger starts disappearing he quickly says...

Ranger- It looks as though I underestimated you...this isn't over...Shouto Todoroki.....I always come back....

And with that he faded away...

Sky-1 down...6 more to g-

Before I could finish what I was saying Lunar tackles me pinning me down and gets close to my face....

Lunar- Lets play a little game Skylar!! I know your power is light...while Y/N's is Darkness if she were two would be able to defeat me easily....sadly....I can't kill you...but I wouldn't want to anyway....anyways...let the games begin...Hahaha...HAHAHA...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I quickly quick her off and stand up transforming into half dragon mode...right as we get ready to fight...I hear my mother scream as I see her and Todoroki being tied to the chandelier dangling over spikes....I notice Y/N laughing as she slowly starts cutting the quickly fly at her to stop her but I'm suddenly slammed to the ground as Lunar and towering over me...

Lunar- You shall not lay a finger on her!!

Sky- Lunar...think about's not right!! Killing innocent people over a heartbreak?!...

Lunar- You know nothing!! She's doing this for her own goo-

Sky- Don't you want her to be happy?....if she chooses to go kill them....then where will she be in life she'll be alone....forgotten....and left in the don't want that to happen to your queen correct?...

Lunar- Nonsense!! Now be quiet!!

Sky- I know how much you love Y/N....she was there for you when others weren't....don't you want her to have a happy future?!?! what's right....for her...

Lunar went quiet then sighed....

Lunar- ugh....just get it over with....remove my collar and let me fade away....

Sky- Thank you for understanding Lunar.....

As I get ready to pet her she snaps at me..

Lunar- Don't...I bite....

Sky- Heh...ok

And with that I take off her collar...

Sky- until next time...

I get up and yell Y/N's name...

She stops laughing and looks at me

She stops laughing and looks at me

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