Dare to Challenge me?

203 7 2

Get guys so I don't sound good singing on camera but send me a video of you singing and I'll post a YT video of.me singing I'll make sure to lable who was the one singing give me your Wattpad username if you want I'll have people comment and tell me who they think one. One last thing I have about 1.6K reads and when I ask people to comment they never do I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE READING THIS YOU BETTA COMMENT OR IM GETCHU THROUGH THIS SCREEN AND COMMENT FOR YOU!!!! IF THERE ARE THAT MANY READS YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IM SAYING YOU BETTER DO AS I SAY BOI!!!

(Im just kidding lol)
(You better challenge me though
and StarlightWolverine 😅😅😅😂)


Moosecraft X reader The right one for meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang