Unexpected Guest..

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Well now that my secrets out I guess there's no need to tell them I'm just going on a walk or to the store.

Y/N- Listen gu-

Just then I saw a bright light flashing on my wrist with a slight shock of pain.

Y/N- Ugh..Cerberus will you go an-

Cerby- No need to ask Princess I'll be back.

Y/N- Cerby I told you not to call me Princess!

He just grins and teleports away

Y/N- Aish...

Sky- So where did Cerberus go?

Y/N- He went to go grab someone from hell who's trying to sign a contract with me...

Sky- Wait..does that mean your friend wi-

Y/N- More like partners..but yeah I guess you can say we're tight.

Cerberus teleports back and drop the person to the floor. It was a little kid maybe around the age of 7 or so.

Y/N- Greetings, you seem pretty young to be here what happened?

7 year old- W-who are you? Why am I here? I just want to go home..

He starts frantically wondering around.

Y/N- Hey, hey calm down buddy you're going to be fine. My names Midnight, you can just call me MG, What's yours?

7-year old- J-Johnathan

Y/N- Its nice to meet you Johnathan, I help spirits by granting them their life back, IF they join my wolf pack.

Jonathan- D..Dea-

Y/N- Ah-Ah! Not so fast..I didn't finish. You get to keep your human form but whenever I need you, you turn into a wolf and a small little censor goes off indicating that I'll need your help. There's just one problem..you're pretty young. I haven't recruited anyone this young before and the ability I would have to give you is Healing or fighting I guess..

Jonathan- I'll promise I won't disappoint you! I just...really wanna go back home..

Y/N- Listen..I understand that but I can't ju-

Jonathan- PLEASE! I'll do anything! I'll train hard every single day and..and..

I turn into my human form and put my hands up to his mouth.

Y/N- Jonathan I understand that you want to go back to your family but its not that easy for me to just accept your offer or for you to accept without thinking

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Y/N- Jonathan I understand that you want to go back to your family but its not that easy for me to just accept your offer or for you to accept without thinking..You also realized you were sent to hell because you did something wrong correct?

Jonathan- Yes..I ran away from home and bullied a kid but I wasn't thinking that this would happen..

I let out a deep sigh and bring him close.

Y/N- I will let you join my pack and grant you your life back..but you must change your ways ok?..

Jonathan- Yes of course! Thank you so much MG!

Y/N- It's no problem...I'll give you your powers the next time I see you ok?

Jonathan- Ok!

I summon a portal for him to go through which led to his room.

Jonathan- Well it's time to go home..

Before he walks through and runs back and hugs me.

Jonathan- I'll work very hard and be one of the best on your team!

I was shocked by his sudden action, but hugged him back and gave him a small smile.

Y/N- I'm sure you will...

He gets up and goes through the portal.

"Take care...Brother.."

567 words

Short and crappy I know...Sorry I'll try to get one out Saturday..

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