Her Offer

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Y/N- Daniel...I....challenge you!

Everyone stops and gasp quickly turning towards my direction. I hear Daniel snicker and he steps closer to me causing me to take a step back.

Daniel- What does this have to do with anything darling?

He gets closer and uses his hand to lift up my chin in order to face him. I yank my head away and glare at him.

Y/N- If you win I'll go with you..but...if I win...you must never show your face to me ever again or else I'll kill you...

Daniel- Heh...you might as well already give up....you won't win anyways...

Y/N- We shall see about that...so accept the challenge?

I reach my hand out for him to shake instead he grabs my hand and pulls me close to him so that our faces were a few inches away.

Daniel- Challenge.... Accepted...

OK this one was really short but only because I want the fight to be in a different chapter which I will try to post later today because I have free time! I'll start working in a bit Dumplings~. Oh and StarlightWolverine how ya doin? Havent seen you in a while Miss ya!

210 words

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