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Skylar's POV

Sky- I wonder how Moose and my sister are doing maybe I should go ch-

Nathan- They'll be fine Sky, plus your sisters pretty strong she can handle it!

Sky- Well...I guess you right..

Nathan- Hey can I talk with you in a few minutes?

Sky- Huh? Oh sure!

Nathan- Awesome!

Nate walks away and starts talking to the others other than Amelia

Amelia- psst Sky..

Sky- yeah?

Amelia- ok don't get too excited but...I have two things...1.I think I might have created a potion that can let you turn into a wolf in order for you and Y/N and have a wolf fusion! And 2. I'm not to sure on this theory but after knowing Y/N for a while and watching her life style I think there's a secret form or magical thing she's hiding from us.

Sky- 1. AMAZING!!!! 2. What do you mean?

Amelia- Ok again don't freak out but...I saw her one night and she was turning into a wolf form wasn't her normal wolf form it was different somehow..she was able to walk through walls like a ghost or something! I decided to follow her and that's when I couldn't believe my eyes..I think....I think Y/N's a murderer..


Amelia- I said don't freak out..all I know is...I saw dead body's lying on the ground all stacked on top of one another...she seems to go there every Tuesday at 12:00AM from what I've been seeing..but the weirdest part is....her wolf spirits are there too..but Y/N was talking pieces of flesh from each body and putting them into separate circles then she would burn the body's...I tried to see what she was going to do next but then...I saw her looking at me...with..devilish and haunting eyes..all I can say is we might be in danger..

Sky- Isn't today Tuesday?...

Amelia- Yes.

Sky- Amelia...tonight take Tsugumi, Paula, Todoroki, Endeavor, and I there..

Amelia- Are you sure?

Sky- I'm positive...

"You have a lot of explaining to do Y/N.."

Georges POV

Y/N and I broke the kiss, but that's when I noticed something strange happening...her eyes were turning purple?.

Moose- Hey Babe what's happening to your eyes?

Y/N- Hm? What do you mean?

Moose- They're turning Purple..

Y/N jumps up and backs away from me 

Y/N- Nonono..this shouldn't be happening yet..

Moose- Y/N what do you mean? 

Y/N- It's nothing George!

I pull her in for a kiss and pin her down

Moose- It's Moose not George.

As I lean in to kiss her again I'm shocked when she shoves me off a gets into a fighting position and her eyes turn red into a darker purple...

Y/N- Don't touch me..

Moose- Y/N? What's happening to yo-

Right before I could finish my sentences Y/N comes running at me and jumps to attack when a source of heat knocks her down. She goes flying backwards but does a flip in the air and lands on her feet.

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