Old friend....

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Georges POV
A girl walks out from the shadows and claims that her name is Seishirō Tsugumi.

Tsugumi- Long time no see Y/N...

Y/N- W..what are you doing here?!?!?

Tsugumi- Awww....I thought you'd be happy to see me I missed my little training buddy....

Y/N- listen Tsugumi I'm done with that past life OK? I'm trying to start a fresh one....

Tsugumi- Really it doesn't seem like it? By the way you look now you look helpless....we all missed you when you left.... So I was sent to come get you back...

Billy- W..wait a minute!!! You ain't say you was gonna take her!!!!

Steve- Yeah!! She's ours we own her!!

George- For the last time...she's not yours!!!;

Tsugumi- Box hairs right.....she's mine...

Tsugumi makes a quick dash over to Y/N rapping her in chains and pulling out her grappling hook. "Back to Japan sweetie..." Tsugumi says


Billy and Steve run over to try and take Y/N away when there ambushed by a smaller looking girl. "I thought I told you idiots to stay out our way!!" She had white hair and was shorter than all of us, she looked like she was 14 at least.

Paula- My names Paula McCoy also known as White Fang I work here with Black Tiger (Tsugumi) and Darklight Wolf dragon!!

Y/N let's out her high screeching sound and falls to the ground. She quickly shifts into her full form and runs off.


Paula- Yes Ma'am!!!

Nathan- We can't fight a little kid....

Skylar- she's not just a little kid she's a monster....

George- We can defeat her its 3 V 1 we have an advantage!!!

Paula- Don't think so!!! You forgot I worked with Y/N and Tsugumi those two are class S assassins the highest rating. You guys are weak compared to me!!!

Skylar- don't get to smart....Y/N told me what to do if I ever ran into you....I know all your weaknesses....I know all your moves...Nathan George go look for Y/N!!! I'll handle Paula...

Nathan- Are you sure you'll be OK?

Skylar- Yes just believe in me!!!

Nathan- Well in case you don't make it......*kisses Skylar* I just wanted you to know.....I've had this crush on you and I would love it if we could get together sometime....

Skylar blushes and gives a big grin

George- Let's go Nathan!!! Who knows what Y/N is going through....

George and Nathan drive off to look for Y/N

Skylars POV
This is it the battle of a life time even if I can't beat her I have faith I'm myself..... I am who I am....and I....will....Win...

MY THUMBS THEY CRAAAAMMMPPPP ╥﹏╥ Well anyways I hope you enjoyed luve you!! Bork Bork bork~

500 Words

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