2.91 Julian

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Night. At home.

Stefan and i walked with linked arms to the front door.

Stefan "you look great tonight"

I smiled"thank you"

He knocked on the door and it opened. 

Lily stood there.

Stefan's whole mood changed and not for the better  " Are we allowed in, or does your cleaning lady need to invite us?"

I gave Stefan a look. What the hell is wrong with him?

Lily smirked "We had her sign the house over to us. She was too expensive. Come in!"

We walked into the foyer.

Stefan "Thank you."

i just smiled.

He held out a bottle of wine and Lily took it.

Stefan "Compliments of the Lockwood cellar."

Lily looked impressed " Oh, thank you."

Stefan looked around "Ooh, where did all these people come from?"

Lily smiled " Neighboring towns. We promised them a night of drink and conversation."

I nodded "So you compelled them."

Lily " I wanted to show you what peace looks like. My family is civilized-- none of these people are in danger."

Suddenly Damon walked to us with a glass of bourbon in his hand.

Damon to Stefan "What? No tie?"

Stefan asked surprised "What are you doing here?"

Damon held up his drink"I missed my stash!"

Lily "Boys and Adelaide, why don't you go mingle? I'll put this away."

She smiled at us before walking away with the bottle of wine. Stefan put on a fake smile and put his arm around Damon's shoulder and one around my waist.

 Stefan lead us to the pool table"Tell me that you are here to help me."

Damon " You know how you wanted to, uh, "redecorate?""

Stefan nodded " Mmhmm."

Damon shook his head "Can't let you do that."

Stefan asked annoyed "Why the hell not?"

Damon "Because Lily just "rearranged the furniture," and she needs a little time to live in it, you know? Fall in love with the whole feng shui of it all."

Stefan rolled his eyes annoyed " Yeah. Let me guess-- for six months?"

Damon looked at me confused by Stefan's behavior. 

I was it too to be honest.

He sighed "Okay, I give up. What am I missing here? Why do you care so much?"

Stefan " Let's just say that the furniture Lily recently purchased is psychotic and needs to be disposed of immediately."

Julian joined us at the table "Lady and Gentlemen, welcome!"

Stefan fake smiled"Hmm."

Julian turned to Damon and held out his hand " I'm Julian."

Damon shook his hand "I'm Damon."

Julian "Lily told me all about you! Of course, you were only a boy back then, and now you're, well... you."

Then he turned to me and held his hand out "and you must be Adelaide Pierce"

I took it and he kissed the back of my hand "Petrova. It's Adelaide Petrova"

I could tell he was pissing Stefan off because Stefan's grip on my waist tightened.

Julian's fake smile grew wider as he turned to Stefan, who returned the fake smile " Stefan! How long has it been?"

Stefan shrugged "I don't know. I must have lost track after I stopped thinking about you."

Julian "Huh. My charm is being lost on you. You must be dreadfully sober."

He saw Beau walking past them and stopped him.

Julian "Beau, get these men and this pretty lady something to drink, will you?"

Beau nodded and smiled at them before leaving.

Damon dramatically turned to Stefan" Wait. Has he nev--?"

Then he turned to Julian.

Damon " Have you never heard the story about the guy that tries to kill the vampire during a game of pool?"

Julian looked suspicious at this, but played along with Damon's ruse "Huh. Well, considering my body's been in stasis for a century, why don't you enlighten me?"

Damon " Well, there's this guy. He's about Stefan's build, maybe a wee bit bigger... little more chiseled, less height on the hair."

Stefan rolled his eyes when i giggled " Get on with the story."

Damon "Right, so this vampire that he wants to kill is at least three hundred years older than him."

Damon took Julian's pool stick from him.

Damon " And anyone and everyone with half a brain knew he was being an idiot, but he had this inexplicable obsession."

He bend over the table to take a shot in the game "so, he bets the vampire in a game of pool, and just as the vamp is setting up for his last shot..."

Damon looked as if he is going to take another shot but instead broke the pool stick in half and speeded toward Julian with it. Damon froze just inches away from his heart, but Julian didn't even flinch.

Damon paused for dramatic effect, and after a moment, Julian gave him an annoyed look.

Julian "And?"

Damon " Never got a chance."

Julian "Oh."

Damon nodded " Yeah. Another vampire comes out of nowhere and stops him. Like I said, he was being an idiot."

Stefan was furious now but was holding back ""Wow, that is a wonderful story, Hemingway."

Damon smiled "Thanks."

He tossed the broken halves of the pool stick to Julian, who caught them. Damon then began to whistle as he left the room. I rolled my eyes and Stefan and i followed him.

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