2.114 "And I'll Help You"

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At the Whtimore Medical.

Caroline was in the hospital room while Stefan and i were outside talking to the doctor. 

Doctor "She's napping now, but she's okay. Her heart's a little weak, but the babies appear to be totally fine."

I frowned "Are you sure? She collapsed. That's not normal."

The Doctor shrugged "Well, it's not abnormal, either. Her blood vessels have dilated, which can lower blood pressure."

I nodded not convinced at all. Stefan put an arm around my shoulders.

Doctors "You know, it's best to keep the father in the loop in situations like this. Would you like for me to contact her boyfriend?"

Me "She's single but the father of the babies is in Dallas for a job interview. I'll... I'll call him."

The doc smiled and walked away. I looked at Stefan and then we walked into the room. Caroline smiled when she saw us and sat up. 

Caroline "Hey."

I smiled a little "Hey. Scared us there for a minute."

She giggled weakly. 

I went to grab her hand but frowned when i saw it turned gray "What the hell?"

Caroline looked at her and and her faced turned horrified"Is my hand desiccating?!"

I looked at Stefan with wide eyes.


I was sitting on a chair on Caroline's bedside. My nerves were going wild right now. I could smell blood everywhere. 

 Valerie walked inside and she was shocked when she saw Caroline's desiccating hand " Well, that's not good..."

Caroline snapped "Yeah, duh! That's why we called you. Can't you just be witchy and fix it?"

I looked at Caroline with wide impressed eyes.

Valerie just looked very sympathetic and gestured toward Caroline's belly " May I?"

Caroline nodded, and Valerie held her hand just inches away from Caroline's baby bump. Her hand glowed red as she started to siphon whatever was happening to Caroline. Caroline's hand started to return to its normal color, but after a moment, a zapping sound is heard, and Valerie reflexively jerked her hand away. 

I stood up and lunged at her but Stefan held me back "what the hell did you do?"

Valerie shook her head "I didn't do anything."

Stefan asked confused "What's that supposed to mean?"

Valerie's eyes widened " I think these babies are siphons... like me."

Caroline's eyes widened " What?!"

Valerie " And, I'm afraid they might be feeding off your blood... As in, they're literally siphoning the vampire magic out of your body."

Everybody's jaw dropped. 


Caroline and i were still in her room while Stefan was out getting us coffee. Valerie walked back inside with a bracelet and fixed it around Caroline's wrist. 

Caroline asked confused "What is it?"

Valerie " It's a talisman spelled with magic. I'm hoping the babies will pull from it instead of you."

Caroline panicked " And if they don't? They still have to bake in there a little bit longer. And I haven't even done the thank you notes from the baby shower yet..."

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