Chapter 48: Bonding.

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Howdy dooooooooooo? I would just like to point out that this chapter does not have a lot of humor in it but it highlights Taylor and Gwen’s relationship which I love!

A big shout out to all of the people who talk to me on chat! I love awesome chats!

This chapter is dedicated to Zalazahra who encourages me to write! Even if it is sometime scary ;) 


Chapter 48: Bonding.

Of course, his dad had expectations for him! Of course, he had expectations for himself! Why would I even think that the fourth most richest man’s son would stay here with me?  What would he do? work in a shop all day and come home to me shouting “Hey honey, I'm home.” And me replying with a punch in the face (a bit drastic, I know) Hell no, his dad expected him to take over like other dads expects their sons to do. But Dubai? That’s so far and were already in my senior year!

I leaned against the sink, my stomach in knots.

How could I be so stupid to actually think we could have a life together? I knew Kyle was uncomfortable with the subject and know I know why, he couldn’t find the right words to say it.

Urhg! Why does life have to be so sh*t?!

Being here has brought me alive. No, being with Kyle brings me alive.  Back home I had to do things to get my dad to notice me for only a second and then he would go back to his normal routine: wife and work.

Here, I met Kyle and  I am the person I am today, because of him (I’m a weird person because of him and I think I have permanent red cheeks). I love watching his face change as he gets mad to pure pissed off. I love watching his eyes sparkle as I do something good for him. I love the way he caresses my body and makes me feel alive.

Although, I may not like to admit it, I need Kyle's, he like the water I drink and the air I breathe. (He makes me sound cheesy, like right now I'm talking about him being my air).

Just the thought of losing him made me burst into tears.

Okay, maybe I was blowing this out of proportion but being with Kyle has made me realize how much I need him…how much I love him.

I whipped at my face when the door to my bedroom opened, I couldn’t be upset, not for Kyle anyway this was a great opportunity for him, he would be able to get on with his life.

The door opened and Taylor walked in a sad smile on his face. As soon as I saw him, I couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Taylor pulled me into a tight hug his chin resting on my head.

“Gwen, Gwen, Gwen.” he sighed rubbing soothing circles into my back.

“I don’t even know why I'm crying.” My face was pressed into his shirt making my voice sound muffled.

“In all my years I have known you; I have never seen you cry other a guy, not once.”  He said and I smiled slightly.

“I cried over you.” I told him truthly.

“What can I say? I'm something else; I'm at the top of the scale.” He said chuckling.

I smiled, sniffing deeply the feeling of safety and love seeping through my bones.

“I was having fun until mister dollar-signs decided to show up.” I muttered, trying to stop another wave of tears from falling.   

Taylor moved back and guided me to the closed toilet seat; I sat down pushing the thought of it snapping and me falling into the toilet out of my head. Taylor crouched in front of me, looking me in the eyes he spoke in his gentle tone. “Do you want to talk to Kyle?” He asked, grabbing a strand of hair and tucking it behind my ear.

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