Chapter 51: Hunting for Dale

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This chapter is dedicated to crazychix_sid because I see she has voted for almost every chapter so thank you! Although I am a writer, I do pay attention to my fans! So thank you! All of you thank you so much.

Please comment and vote, it really does make my day!

Chapter 51: Hunting for Dale.

“So, you’re telling me that the lights fell…on their own?” I asked skeptically, looking at Taylor.

He nodded a grim expression on his face “There was no one up there, Gwen.  And there is no proof that the rope was cut.” He explained quickly a ghost of a smile on his face.

“Oh, don’t tell me,” I said throwing my hands in the air, “someone bit through the rope?” I said angrily, I was pissed. After I informed them that I had seen a shadow before the lights fell everyone put it down to the alcohol, saying that the shadow was a trick of my imagination.

You want to know why they don’t believe me? Apparently, the doors to backstage and top deck were both securely locked and no one without the caretakers consent could enter or have the key. The key had  never left the caretaker.

 You want to know what I say to that? I say what a load of skittle cakes…oh sweet Jesus, I think I just invented a new cake! Go Gwen, go Gwen, I'm going to become a millionaire! All because I put some skittles into a cake. I know a millionaire that became famous (I don’t know him) because he stuck some glue onto some paper, creating sticky notes. Whoopdy fricking doo!

Anyway, back to the serious matter at hand here.

“Let me guess? They had buck teeth and live in the sewers singing howdy cowboy?” I said the last part in my cowboy accent.

“No, I'm just saying that if there was someone up there, we would have known.” His voice was tight and I rolled my eyes.

Last night the show was canceled and everyone was sent home after the police had arrived taking statement and confirmed that it had ‘fallen’. I had only told Kyle and Taylor about the mysterious figure on the balcony, they both had stared at me a grim expression on both of their face.

“There was someone up there Taylor, I swear it!” I half shouted as I stood up and made my way over to him.

“Gwen, I am doing my best, the investigation is being carried out. And if there are no leads, I can’t go around  saying ‘oh, you look like that mysterious shadow, I'm arresting you or you have buck teeth, did you cut the rope? I'm taking you down town.’”-

I held my hands cutting him off. “Okay Taylor, I get the message.” I sighed dramatically and looked around the room as uncomfortable silence settled over us.

 “Will you call me if there is any news?” I asked looking directly at Taylor. As I grabbed the coat I had slung over the sofa.

He frowned, looking down at the coat in my arms, “Why, where are you going?” He asked, suspicion in his voice.

“Out,” I shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“Gwen.” he warned stepping closer.

I made my eyes wide, making me look innocent “What Taylor? Kyle promised me that we were going to go, going to go… bowling?” I said, not meaning for it to be a question.

“Really?” he asked, I smiled nodding my head, furiously.

“Yes, why would I lie?” I giggled nervously and scratched my head.

Sweet Jesus, I giggled. Now, he will defiantly know I'm lying.

“Okay,” he shrugged cheerfully and I frowned.

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