#77. Small World » Nick *slight smut warning*

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I sighed and shook my head as I watched my friend, Jess, stumble out of the bar with a stranger on her arm. She had invited me out for a "fun friend night", but, as per usual, she got a bit too drunk and was off to have one of her usual one night stands. This did not surprise me at all. It always happened, but it was just how Jess is. It's what made her Jess. I tried to talk to her about it before, but it sort of goes in one ear and out the other with her.

I finished sipping the drink that was in front of me and debated on leaving and going home. I had had no plans to go out tonight anyways. I was completely fine with staying home and curling up with a good book or a good movie. But Jess told me that was not what Friday nights were for, and thus here I was.

I eyed the hot guy sitting at the end of the bar. He was young, buff looking, with brown hair and slight stubble. I had been looking at him all night, wishing I had the nerve to get up and talk to him. I wondered how Jess did it. Probably the alcohol. I could never drink as much as she does and get that drunk. I don't mind a casual drink, but I was not an alcohol fan.

Regret instantly running through my veins, I decided it was time for myself to leave as well, without talking to the hot guy. However, some sort of luck or something was on my side when I heard someone ask, "Why the long face, handsome?"

When I turned, the hot guy had moved to the seat next to me. He was so much hotter up close! If that was possible.

"I - uh - " I stuttered. Like I said, not good at talking to unusually attractive people. I took a deep breath, steadied my rapidly beating heart, and tried again. "My friend who dragged me out here tonight just left. It's not the first time, and definitely not the last, but it still just sorta sucks to be left here by myself not knowing anyone and having no one to talk to."

I mentally patted myself on the back for being able to talk that much in front of a hot guy.

Hot Guy chuckled. "Well, that does sound like it sucks. But I could be someone to talk to, if you want. My name is Nick, by the way."

"I'm Shad," I replied, and shook his hand.

"Well, now you know someone," Nick said. I laughed and he smiled. His smile was just...wow. Nick eyed my empty glass and proclaimed, "Looks like you need another drink."

His eyes drifted to the bar tender, who was busy chatting up some pretty girl sitting a ways away from us. Nick looked at an almost full bottle of alcohol that laid behind the counter. He picked up his still half full glass, and as he did so, the bottle rose from it's place.

My eyes widened and I quickly looked around to make sure nobody was watching. Luckily, everybody was busy drinking, dancing or making out.

I looked back at Nick, who was taking a sip of his drink. Suddenly, the floating bottle zipped towards us at a speed so fast that I was sure it was going to zoom past us and hit someone on the dance floor, or an opposite wall, and expose the two of us. But Nick was quicker than the bottle and grabbed it as if it were nothing.

It didn't take a genius to realize that Nick was what was known as a Mover. Meaning he could move things with his mind. Meaning him using his powers like this in a very public and very crowded place was very dangerous, especially if someone from the Division could be part of this crowd.

How did I know all this? Well, because I'm also a Mover.

I kept my identity a secret from everyone, including Jess. The only people who knew were my parents, who have also been on the run from the Division for almost 10 years.

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