you are my sunshine

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[Not my story]
Ao3 @ springrain21

Jimin is squished into the couch next to Jungkook and Taehyung, who are loudly fighting over a bag of potato chips. Jin shushes them from the loveseat but they both promptly ignore him and proceed to start throwing chips at each other until Jimin gets annoyed and elbows Taehyung sharply in the ribs.

"Ow!" His best friends wails, turning to Jimin with a wounded expression. "What was that for?"

"Stop fooling around," Jimin replies with a glare, flicking a potato chip out of his lap.

"Do you three ever shut up?" A cold voice drawls, and Jimin's head snaps around to see Yoongi watching them from the other loveseat, his face twisted in annoyance.

Jimin immediately wilts and shrinks into the couch, feeling Yoongi's reprimand like a smack to the face. His cheeks turn red and he looks down at his lap, fiddling with his fingers to avoid Yoongi's gaze.

"Sorry, hyung," Jungkook mutters, throwing a dirty look at Jimin as if getting yelled at was his fault.

Namjoon and Hoseok enter the living room then, each carrying a bowl of popcorn that they pass off to the others. "Okay," Namjoon begins, and they all quiet down to listen. "We've gotten reports of a rogue witch in the area who has apparently been turning people into chipmunks."

Jungkook snorts and Taehyung shoves at his leg roughly to shut him up. Yoongi is giving them another annoyed look so Jimin folds into himself, trying to become as small as possible. He hates disappointing Yoongi more than anything and it happens so often that Jimin lives in a near constant state of embarrassment and worry.

"The witch doesn't kill," Yoongi continues from his seat, and Jimin tries not to stare at his pouting lips too much while he talks. "But it's been discovered that if the curse can't be broken in eight days that the humans will remain chipmunks forever."

Jin clicks his tongue unhappily. "How many reported cases are there so far?"

"Nine," Namjoon says, looking at a piece of crumpled up paper. "Two beginner hunters discovered the pattern and tracked it back to the witch, but they're still pretty inexperienced and requested that we step in."

Jimin buzzes with excitement like he always does when they get a new case. He, along with Taehyung and Jungkook, are fairly new to the hunting game and they still find it riveting.

"We'll leave in an hour," Namjoon says, drawing Jimin's attention back. "We'll take two separate cars. Yoongi, you'll take the maknaes, and the others are with me." Yoongi opens his mouth to protest, looking furious, but Namjoon holds up his hand to halt him. "Play nice," Namjoon says with a shit eating grin, and Yoongi scowls at him in anger.

Jimin tries to bury the sting of hurt he feels at Yoongi's reaction to having to drive with him. He knows Yoongi doesn't like him, but the thought does nothing to quell his raging crush on the experienced hunter, much to Jimin's dissatisfaction. It had been instant the second Hoseok had introduced him to Yoongi, and his crush has only grown in the year that they've known each other. Yoongi is strong and serious and silent, and a damn good hunter, one of the best, and Jimin greatly admires him and aspires to be like him someday.

"Fine," Yoongi grumbles, standing from his seat and heading into the kitchen of Namjoon and Jin's house.

Taehyung and Jungkook are whispering excitedly to each other. "Do you think we'll have to kill her?" Jungkook asks with a wide smile that's just a little bit disturbing.

"Kook," Hoseok says sharply, overhearing his younger brother. "You know we don't kill unless we have to."

Jungkook shrinks under Hoseok's stern gaze and nods meekly. "Sorry, hyung."

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