for you

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[Not my story]

"I love you!" The small girl looks up at the man standing in front of her, her eyes voice bright and cheery. There was a gentle flush on her face as her lips fell into a large smile, her eyes thinning into two crescent shapes filled with stars. The man stares back at her, his face slightly flabbergasted at her sudden exclaim. He blinks once, his mouth falling open slightly but he says nothing, simply staring down at the tiny girl in front of him.

The pair keep their eyes locked on one another as a gentle instrumental song fills the background.

A sudden loud groan next to him makes Jimin jump, his heart beating fast in his chest from the surprise. He turns away from the television playing the ending theme of the drama they're watching to look at his annoyed friend sitting next to him on the couch.

"Come on Eun Tak," Taehyung grumbles, squeezing a pillow tightly in between his hands, "I know he's like your forever love or whatever, but this is only the first episode and you're already about to throw yourself in a wedding dress?" The lilt in Taehyung's voice makes his sentence come out sounding more like a question than a statement and Jimin can't help but laugh.

"You act like we haven't already watched this drama like a billion times, Tae." Jimin rolled his eyes, small giggles escaping his lips at his friend's antics.

Taehyung sighs deeply, sinking into the sofa cushions and dropping the pillow to cover his face. "I knoooow," he moans out, his voice muffled.

Jimin takes the opportunity to grab the pillow next to him and smacks Tae right in the stomach, taking revenge for earlier when Tae had smacked an unsuspecting Jimin as he was connecting the laptop to the television. Taehyungs breath leaves him with a sharp gasp, his hand reaching up to snatch his own pillow away from his face. His expression is exaggeratedly outraged, his lips twitching in an effort to not curl up into a smile.

"Oops?" Jimin smiles innocently, hiding the pillow behind his back.

Not even a minute later, the pair are rolling around the sofa and smacking each other with the pillows, Taehyung's deep laughter mixing in with Jimin's bright giggles.

"Oh my fucking god, you literal children," Yoongi's disgruntled and sleepy voice makes the pair freeze mid fight, the pillow in Taehyungs raised hand falling to smack Tae in the face.

Jimin covers his mouth with his hands, trying his hardest to contain his laughter. He looks up from his position on the sofa beneath Taehyung to see a half asleep Yoongi with an even less awake Jungkook leaning against him.

"Hi Jungkookie," Taehyung singsongs, laughing at how the other boy simply lifts up his chin slightly in acknowledgement, his eyes still resolutely closed.

Yoongi levels the pair with an unimpressed stare as Jungkook yawns widely before ambling away, eyes still shut but managing to get into the kitchen without once bumping into anything.

Yoongi glances around the living room, noting the laptop set up to the television, the bottles of soda and bags of chips on the coffee table, the blankets littering the floor, and the pair of idiots still frozen from their pillow fight.

He sighs deeply, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, "Taehyung if you get crumbs and shit all over my carpet, I'll make you clean them up." He crosses his arms in front of himself, a single eyebrow lifting slightly when Tae opens his mouth to retort. Before Tae can get a word out, Yoongi continues, "I'll make you clean up each individual crumb with your fingers."

Taehyung snaps his mouth shut, recognizing the look on Yoongi's face. He sighs and fall back down on the couch, dropping the pillow onto his lap. "Yes, dad," he mumbles, crossing his own arms in front of his chest.

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