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Not my story
Wattpad @PaleBlueRhinestone

There is was again. He couldn't take it anymore. He had enough. Although it was him who was crossing the line, he swore to the Lord that if he heard that darn Closer song again, he was going to puke.

He hadn't really know about it's existence much either. Working at a very, very hipster and 'aesthetic', as the kids who visited it said, record shop which was owned by a certain clumsy genius and his pink-loving boyfriend had developed his love for the classic and timeless songs. It was not just kids trying to pose for Instagram pictures but also adults who reminisce about their childhood, who paid visits to the store.

It was his dream job. He learnt a lot about the patterns of music and flow of the rhythme that was preferred back then. He could predict and judge how songs he never heard fully would sound. He got to play and replay several of his favorites on the record player they housed. He wasn't paid much but, as long as it was enough to survive, he didn't mind very much after all it was the best part of his day. Studying economics for his major wasn't something he would have seen himself doing in a million years. However, now that he taking the class, he really wanted music to take up a little more space in His life. After all, it was his world.

Appreciating and learning more about music was all he lived for.

So, he thought it was pretty much acceptable to want to hurl himself out of the moving train he was in right now considering it was the third, yes I repeat, third time the guy he was smushed next to was ironically listening to Closer. Yes, the song released almost 6000 years ago by a bunch of dudes whose name was based after a very unhealthy health choice. It was killing him. No no, he doesn't mean chainsmoking, he meant the terrible taste in music the ginger next to him has, who he had only noticed recently.

Let me love you started playing through the orange haired neon green earphones which he had plugged into his ears loosely, not seeming too committed to listening well.

Yoongi wanted to dip his legs into a pot of molten iron, hoping that he could fuse his legs into a fin so that he can swim away from this shit, like a mermaid, although he felt that he wouldn't be able to do it properly since his brain was fried. One could even say that he had have to flounder away.

Oh no, a fish pun, one cod say that it scaled a 1 on the pun charts.

Whale whale, let's not get too carried away by these puns, he thought to himself, the rapidly approaching smile growing slightly wider than the before. These puns reminded him of his mother, not literal mother but one almost as ferocious and one ironically very well versed in dad jokes. He was one of his only 3 friends.

Now he couldn't wait for him to sea his puns. Oh no, not gain! This was not a krill, I repeat this was not a krill but let's all clam down shall we?

He couldn't help but crack a smile at his own puns. But he went right back to grimacing at everything and regretting every choice that brought him up to here when he heard the boy next to him play damn meme music. He heard Bazzi's Mine spill through this time.

"You so fucking precious when you smile,

Hit it from the back and drive you wild,

Girl I lose myself up in those eyes,

I just had to let you know you're mine."

Okay the lyrics were cute and all but really? Memes now? Were we going to stoop this low? How did this guy with suck poor life choices end up getting into West Ridge Uni? The supposed ' most prestigious and up rising ' uni there was. Okay maybe that is why he got here. It was hell. The assignments were so stressful and most teachers were hardly ever there. It was like self study. Except it was the entire semester. The only pleasure Yoongi got was from his music and that fact that he could silently judge anyone in his mind. Hey, trust him, he is a nice guy and all but silently judging and labeling people was his hobby. Stress buster, if you will.

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