give it to me slow (then wash it away)

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Not my story *repost*

Ao3 Sharleena

Sometimes Jimin thinks that Seokjin spent more money on the decorations rather than on the actual business. All for the aesthetic in some ways. After all, where did he even find leather couches that look so authentically worn out by time, giving all perfect decayed vibes, fitting the underground nightclub's theme so well. Then again, Jin is a few centuries old, so maybe those couches are his. Oh. Oh, the couches probably belong to him, maybe Jimin should ask him once.

He takes a sip of his Martini, licking the liquor off his lips and then he glances at the lower level, where the patrons are sitting at the old wooden tables, glasses filled with red liquid to the brim, chatting quietly, with music filling the moments of silence.

Jimin had once asked Namjoon why he chose lofi Hip Hop as the genre of music that would play in the club, he had told him that apparently it's relaxing to them, soothing even. All Jimin knows is that he listens to lofi when he has problems sleeping, so it only works in making him crave the softness of his mattress.

He spots Jungkook walking between the tables, an earpiece set in his right ear and a small microphone attached to the collar of his blue shirt. The boy looks up to the balcony and their eyes meet, Jungkook gives him a smile and Jimin sticks his tongue out in return, before slumping back on his armchair.

It's a slow night, not many patrons, chill and honestly boring. Also, not really prolific since he hasn't got one single client since he sat in his armchair, and it's already well past midnight. And, his Martini is almost over. This is putting him in a bad mood.

He starts fanning himself with his hand, glaring at the many candle holders set on every available surface, keeping the lightness of the whole club to a minimum, dimmed and low, casting shadows on every corner. Honestly, Jimin couldn't care less about Jin's aesthetic, this is a fire hazard if he's even seen one. Also, it's too damn hot in this place.

Jimin looks at his empty glass and sighs, he puts the olive in his mouth (with the toothpick still attached) and leans on the wooden railing, waving his arms so that Hoseok can take notice of him. When he does, Hoseok frowns, he's drying a glass with a cloth, Jimin raises his empty glass and sends the man at the bar counter a pleading look. Hoseok sighs and gestures at him to wait a second, already grabbing a clean glass and making Jimin his drink. He'd walk to the bar and get it himself, but he's on the balcony upstairs and he's far too lazy to actually walk down to the ground floor where the bar is positioned. Jimin has a feeling Jin put the bar there 'cause he knows that otherwise his workers would just go there to drink, abandoning their spots.

That's when Taehyung finally comes back, he sits on the leather armchair in front of Jimin with a satisfied grin and a bandage wrapped around his hand.

"What took you so long?" Jimin asks "You were booked for a forty seconds session, you've been away for half an hour."

"Sorry." Taehyung grabs the unfinished drink he abandoned when he got booked "New dude who wasn't keen on understanding the rules. Had to repeat them like seven times, then once he was done my hand wouldn't stop bleeding." Taehyung raises the bandaged hand "Then I realized I had to take a shit."

Jimin grimaces and crosses his arms "I'm bored and my drink is still not here."

"You get pissy when no one books you."

"Well, yeah." Jimin arches an eyebrow and pushes back some strands of grey hair. The dye is starting to wear off, he'll have to go to the salon soon "I mean, I'm losing a night of sleep and getting no money, so of course I'm pissy."

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