sick and stubborn

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[Not my story]

“I’m not sick,” Yoongi says, the words painfully dragged up out his throat. There are no less than three blankets currently wrapped around him, pulled up to his chin, and he looks unsteady where he’s sitting, scowling at Jin.

Jin, who’s got his hands on his hips and his You aren’t going to win this argument expression on his face. “You can barely stand. Are you serious right now? Are you really going to try and work in this condition?”

“I can stand — ” Standing suddenly, he teeters for a second before sitting back down “ — fine, see, I only sat back down because I wanted to.”

“Can you stop being stubborn, please?” Jin asks in what’s really a rather patient, understanding tone, considering the circumstances.

“ ‘M not being stubborn. I’m fine. I need to — work.” Gesturing at the door with his chin, he continues, “Gotta get to the studio, me and Joon are supposed to meet.”

Lips pressed together, Jin studies Yoongi, who’s looking back at him with his chin jutted out and rebellion in his eyes. Backup is needed for this. “I’m calling Jimin.”

“What?” Yoongi says, eyes widening, and then, pleading: “No, don’t, he’s gonna try to, like — tie me down to the bed with blankets or something.”

“Yeah,” Jin says, nodding to himself. “I’m gonna get him.” Whipping out his phone, he types out: pls come to room yoongis being dumb and won’t listen to me

Immediately: omg what’s wrong???

“Hyung, don’t, c’mon, I’ll — I’ll only work half the day instead, okay?”

he ’s sick but ““needs to work”” and is ““totally fine””

“I’ll — I’ll do the dishes for an entire week, okay, just — don’t call him and let me leave.”

omg ok omw

Smiling, Jin says, “He says he’s on his way.”

Jin,” Yoongi groans. “Why are you like this?”

“Why do I care about your health and want to make sure you don’t overwork yourself?” Jin says, eyebrow raised. “Because I’m a mean bastard.”

“Whatever,” he mumbles, and then there’s a knock on the door and Jin smiles as Yoongi groans again, saying something Jin can’t catch.

“Jimin!” Jin says, holding up his arms. “What a surprise! Please, come in, come in.”

Before Jin’s even finished, Jimin’s pushing past him with a small smile and a quick, “Hi, hyung,” and then travels straight to Yoongi, like a heat-seeking missile. Before Yoongi can do anything but stare with wide eyes, Jimin’s sitting next to him, clucking at him as he presses his hand against Yoongi’s forehead. “Hyung, rest. You’re sick.”

“I’m not sick.”

“You’re wearing three blankets.”

“…It’s cold.”

“It’s twenty degrees outside.”

“Well, it’s cold inside,” Yoongi says, moving back, and he’s close to whining which shows how unwell he is. “We live in the 21st century, we have these magical things called AC’s.”

Jimin’s disappointed sigh makes Jin feel guilty, and Jin hasn’t even done anything. “Okay, you’re not sick.” A dramatic pause, and then he starts leaning closer. “I’m gonna kiss you, then.”

Holding a hand out, Yoongi leans back immediately. “You can’t kiss me, I’m — ” Snapping his mouth shut, he stares at Jimin.

Jin wants to clap, a little, because Jimin’s so good.

“You’re what?” Jimin says, raising his eyebrows. “You’re definitely not sick, not even a little, so what’s stopping you?”

“I haven’t brushed my teeth.” When Jimin’s unimpressed expression gets more unimpressed, Yoongi says in a rush, “Okay, fine, maybe I’m a little sick, but I can still work, it’s fine.”

That’s when Jimin goes for the jugular: Shifting closer, raising a hand to smooth back the hair on Yoongi’s forehead, cup his cheek in his hand, he says softly, “Yoongi, baby, please rest today, okay?”

“It’s… ” Yoongi starts, voice weak, as Jimin’s thumb continues carressing his cheek.

“Just today, okay? You’ll feel better tomorrow. If you don’t, I’m gonna be worried the whole day — so please? For me?”

Repressing the urge to laugh smugly at the look on Yoongi’s face — there’s no way Yoongi’s going to win this — Jin brings out his phone again, texts Namjoon: watching jimin handle yoongi is always so fun

He doesn’t expect an answer — Namjoon is notoriously bad at responding quickly — so he’s surprised when he gets one: we should sell tickets

they’d sell out instantly Jin texts back, and then focuses on the situation: Jimin’s moved closer and he’s looking worried and concerned, and Yoongi’s looking helpless against it, and Jin is once again reminded what a smart fucking guy he is for calling Jimin instead of wasting his own time.

“Fine,” Yoongi mutters, pouting a little. “But only today, okay?”

The smile that breaks out on Jimin’s face is brilliant, relieved. “Okay. Thank you.” Dropping a kiss on Yoongi’s forehead, he says, “Only today.”

“Okay,” Jin says. “I’m gonna go get some medicine, soup, and juice, and you — ” he points at Yoongi, who scowls in return “ — are going to drink all of that without complaint, thanks.”

“I don’t complain,” Yoongi says, cranky. Nothing’s worse than a sick, cranky Yoongi.

“Of course you don’t,” Jimin coos, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s side, dropping a kiss on his shoulder. “Jin’s just being Jin.”

“Yeah,” Yoongi says, nodding, and Jimin shares a look with Jin, widening his eyes and jerking his head subtly.

The message is received. “I’ll be back soon, okay?” Jin says, sighing.

“Okay,” Jimin says, smiling. “Thank you, hyung. I’ll stay here and make sure he doesn’t try to escape through the window.”

“He’d fall on his ass if he tried, but thanks for your sacrifice,” Jin says, eyebrows raised, and then he leaves before either of them can respond because rule number one of life: Always get the last word.

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