still awake

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[Not my story]
Ao3 fanificloverme96

He kisses Jimin’s eyelids, and feels the boy tremble beneath him. In spite of himself, Yoongi allows himself to smile.

“We should sleep,” Jimin sighs, “We have a very packed schedule tomorrow and -,”

Yoongi kisses the spot beneath Jimin’s left eye this time, smiling again when Jimin sucks in a breath. His skin is warm - a contrast to Yoongi’s cold hands - and his body is pliant as he lies on Yoongi’s bed, with Yoongi himself hovering over him.

“We should,” Yoongi murmurs, his breath washing over Jimin’s face, “But here we are.”

“It’s your fault.” Jimin’s protest is soft and his accusation holds no weight. Yoongi smirks and lifts a hand to caress Jimin’s cheek. As if on autopilot, the latter leans into his hold, his lips grazing the skin ever so slightly.

“Is it?” Yoongi teases.

“Absolutely,” Jimin pouts.

The smile on Yoongi’s face grows. “Then, let me take responsibility.”

Jimin’s moans are like music to Yoongi’s ears; his lips are soft and willing as they kiss and when Yoongi parts his lips and he feels the familiar wetness of tongues touching, Jimin lets out a sigh. His fingers tangle in Yoongi’s hair and tugs forward, as if trying to get as much closeness as he can with Yoongi.

“Can you say it again?” Yoongi’s voice is soft as he mouths Jimin’s throat.

“Say what?” A whisper. He feels Jimin’s nails digging into his back as Yoongi sucks at the boy’s Adam’s apple.

Yoongi chuckles softly to himself and lifts his gaze to look at Jimin properly. The boy’s cheeks are adorably flushed, red dusting his cheeks which blends in nicely with his sun-kissed skin. His eyes shine, even more so as Jimin gazes up at him fully. His hair - a little shorter now but still long enough for Yoongi’s fingers to sift through the locks - splays across the pillow.

His lips are slightly parted, and if Yoongi leans closely enough, he could feel the warmth of his breath against his face.

“Say that you love me again.”

The flush on Jimin’s cheeks darkens, and the boy lets out a huff as he turns his face away. He covers his mouth with the back of his hand before speaking. “No way. It’s embarrassing.”

“We’ve been dating for a long time. How is it embarrassing?” Yoongi asks with a raised eyebrow.

“It just is,” Jimin insists.



Yoongi watches as Jimin covers his face with both of his hands. The flush on his cheeks has spread to his ears now, and his heartbeat is loud enough that Yoongi could faintly hear it in the silence of the room. Somewhere in the distance, he thinks he can hear a song by Frank Sinatra playing - probably from a playlist that of Taehyung’s who stays in the room across theirs.

Jimin opens his mouth to speak again after a few seconds of silence. He puts down his hands, but he continues avoiding Yoongi’s gaze.

“Because it’s you,” he confesses, “If it’s you, I just… I can’t control myself. If I say I love you, I think I might combust from flames and my chest will overflow with feelings and I just--!” He slowly looks at Yoongi. “I love you too much I can’t stand it.”

A smirk escapes Yoongi’s lips, which eventually turns into a chuckle, and soon, Yoongi is turning away as he laughs. His chest rumbles as he does and he thinks he can feel tears stinging his eyes from laughing.

Jimin covers his face again, clearly embarrassed.

“Please don’t laugh,” he whines, “You’re not making it easier.”

“I’m sorry,” Yoongi says a little while later, “I just didn’t expect such an honest answer.” He chuckles again before leaning in to kiss Jimin’s hands. Jimin pouts but lifts his hands away to allow Yoongi to look at him properly.

“You said it, though.”

Jimin blinks in confusion. “Say what?”

Yoongi’s smile is warm; so much that Jimin’s heart is threatening to burst out of his chest just from looking at it.

“I love you,” Yoongi murmurs.

Jimin’s cheeks burn as he realizes the truth behind his words. “Shut up,” he says with a whine.

“I won’t.”

“Why?” Jimin demands.

“Because.” Yoongi kisses Jimin’s lips once before moving to nuzzle the boy’s neck. “Then, I won’t be able to say how much I love you, too.”

Jimin gapes, mouth parting and closing again comically like a fish, and he is flushing to the point that his whole face is red. He squeezes his eyes shut and chews his bottom lip. Yoongi waits until the boy’s heartbeat slows down to a steadier pace.

Eventually, he feels a hand on his nape. Jimin is pulling him closer towards him and he feels the boy’s lips against his cheek.
“You idiot,” Jimin finally says, “You always say the most embarrassing things.”

“You like it, though.”

Jimin’s silence is more than enough for an answer, and when Yoongi finally kisses him again - on the lips, this time - and he could taste Jimin’s sweetness on his tongue, he feels Jimin’s hands on his back; warm and heavy and reassuring and real.

Jimin is tracing something on his back with his fingers.

When Yoongi guesses what it is, he meets Jimin’s gaze, who looks back at him shyly. Yoongi smiles in return before moving in to kiss him again; deeper and sweeter than before.

“I love you, too.”

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