red's big bad wolf

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[Not my story]
Warning: smut {31800 words}
Ao3 TheOrgasmicSeke

The sun was bright in the blue sky with a few fluffy white clouds floating across the surface. Yoongi loved the feeling of the warm rays against his skin and he planned to enjoy it for the next hour or so. It was rare when he was allowed out in the sun to enjoy it because of his naturally pale skin that burned much too easily and for now, he wanted to savor it. The shingles of the roof dug into the seat of his pants to the point that he could feel the roughness against his skin but he didn’t mind too much. He was warm and in too good of a mood to worry about it.

All of his chores were done for the day and there was nothing he had to worry about until bedtime. He didn’t always have lengths of time to spare and so he was more than happy to waste it away on the roof of his small cottage at the edge of the village. He could see the line of trees that led into the dark forest not far from his home and there were many villagers who thought his home was much too close to the dangerous forest. Yoongi didn’t think so and that was all that mattered really. He liked his home, he liked the village for the most part and he loved his family.

The sound of a wood door clicking shut caught Yoongi’s attention and he glanced down from the roof, hearing footsteps until someone walked out from the overhang of his home. It took a moment for him to recognize the head of shaggy dark hair but when he did, he sighed softly and shifted in his spot, lifting a hand to run through soft strands of blond out of habit.

Jungkook was one of the village hunters and he was a rather attractive young man. He was tall, built well and had a strong handsome face. Yoongi had seen that stern looking face melt into soft smiles and crinkling eyes on occasion and his heart fluttered at the thought. The hunter was the source of many young females attention in the village for the past few years, since he came of age and he had gained Yoongi’s attention as well. Jungkook wasn’t just attractive but he was a nice young man as well. He was always helpful and always brought back big meat for the village to share. He was a master hunter and that was another attraction to add to his list.

Yoongi had thought for a while he might have a chance with the young man. Jungkook showed up at his house once or twice a week to speak with his mother and he always made sure to greet Yoongi with one of those pretty soft smiles and sometimes, he was even brave enough to share a hug with him. Yoongi could still remember the flush on the boy’s cheeks the first time they shared a hug and Yoongi had thought then and there he had a chance.

Yoongi wasn’t exactly unappealing all on his own either. He had his own flutter of village girls who sought him but they didn’t realize how much they were very not his type. It wasn’t their fault really. Yoongi was just different. No one knew how different he was aside from his grandmother and Yoongi intended to keep it that way. Yoongi knew the girls and some of the boys of the village thought he was pretty. Yoongi wasn’t sure if he agreed but he didn’t hate the way he looked. Sometimes, he even liked to show it off if he was feeling up to it and he enjoyed the attention. It was nice to be wanted, even if he couldn’t do anything about it in return.

The chance Yoongi thought he might have with Jungkook was ripped out of his fingers three months ago when the hunter’s father announced his engagement to Chansu, one of the pretty village girls whose father had the monopoly on fresh farm vegetables. Yoongi didn’t know if it was arranged, or how Jungkook felt about it but Yoongi saw them out and about in town on occasion and the man didn’t seem to upset about the situation.

As disappointing as it was, Yoongi had someone else on his mind a lot more recently.

Jungkook came to a stop on the stone path that led out the front gate of the cottage and then suddenly turned around, his dark eyes flickering over the roof before they landed on Yoongi. The blond perked up slightly and the corners of his mouth twitched up into a smile when Jungkook lifted a hand to give him a wave, a cute smile on his face. Ah, what a waste really. He was such a gorgeous man. Yoongi hoped his bride appreciated that. Yoongi freed his hands from where it was tucked in the crook of his bent elbow and tinkled his fingers at the man in a wave. Jungkook’s smile grew and he looked so happy standing there that Yoongi couldn’t help but smile. They shared a few more seconds of eye contact before Jungkook bowed his head slightly in goodbye and then the hunter was slipping through the wood gate around their small front yard, clicking it shut behind himself carefully before strolling back toward the main part of the village. Yoongi tracked his movement until he disappeared behind a cottage.

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