no need for an exorist

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Not my story
Ao3 16wishes

It started like this: when his mother told them they were going to move to Seoul, Jimin was sure the woman was trying to trick him and had laughed before leaving for his dance practice, but one week later and a car full of their belongings, Jimin found himself in the metropolitan city.

Jimin was more surprised than devastated. While he'll surely miss his friends back home, Jimin knew the change of scenery would do some good to the family of two. His mother's family had grown to be something similar of a thorn at their sides. His grandparents weren't happy to hear about his interest in dancing and they were furious to hear about mother quitting her work in some big company to open her own flower shop. His aunt, however, grew to be the most horrible person. She had mocked and sneered at Jimin's mother, talking about how the holes in her life created by the absence of Jimin's father would be growing bigger with the loss of her job as well.

So yes, Jimin was quite content to leave Busan.

Another thing was that Jimin didn't believe in spirits and demons. Well, more precisely, he didn't care about things that haven't yet been proved to be true. If someone was to come to him and told him that they were an exorcist and that demons are real, he would have never believed them. But the world worked in a mysterious way and fate more so.

Fate, it seemed, decided that Jimin's life was too boring for her entertainment and decided to break his current perception about the world. Jimin was introduced to the world of demons by two presences. The first, being Fuzzy, a small demon with soft, white fur all over its' body. The demon was a sweet heart really, full of life and continuously oozing an adorable charm. Jimin had lost count over how many times he had gushed over the cute demon and thus had suffered numerous worried look from his mother. It's just a shame that neither Jimin's mother nor everyone else in the world were able to see the things Jimin did.

The second came in the form of one Min Yoongi.

When Jimin first found Fuzzy, he perceived the demon as something less of a companion and more of a leech. The demon had insisted on pressing himself close to Jimin's back like glue and while Jimin was assured it was done unintentionally, Fuzzy had been sucking off of Jimin's energy, leaving him with various symptoms of sickness that had his mother worried sick.

Jimin had lost a whole week worth of school due to him continuously fainting and having to make a trip to the school's infirmary every day. His mother had to pick him up every day until she finally suggested he should just went to the hospital and get himself checked. Jimin, on any other situation, would have agreed, but hospital bills were expensive and he didn't want his mother to spend money on a useless check-up which will not help him anyway.

Yoongi, was the unexpected solution to Jimin's problem. He was the one who responded to Jimin's cry for help and had helped to get Fuzzy off his back. Jimin had spent one whole week thinking about how to get Fuzzy off of him, sometimes even resorting to violence out of frustration and fear, but Yoongi, he had used only a ball and gentle, but firm words, to coax Fuzzy.

Yoongi had explained to Jimin, albeit almost impatiently, that demons like Fuzzy originated from the souls of dead pets. Ones who were showered with love and attention when they were alive and had continued to crave for it even in their afterlives. It's why Fuzzy had clung to Jimin desperately, even when Jimin had swatted at him and complained about him. It was better to have any sort of attention, even when it's bad, than none.

Jimin didn't cry, but he came close to it when Fuzzy went to snuggle up at his side. Back then, when he was in Busan, Jimin had a dog. He's had him for the longest time and when his dog died, Jimin had cried rivers, raving on about he had wanted to give him one last pat, one last kiss that the dog surely deserved. Fuzzy wasn't Jimin's, but the thought of how much Fuzzy was so insistent to be by Jimin's side, even when he had treated the demon so badly made Jimin's heart ache with guilt.

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