maybe storms arent all bad

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[Not my story]
Ao3 @ springrain21

A blinding flash of white light fills Yoongi's dark room, and he clutches the bedsheets tighter, eyes squeezing shut as he braces himself for the next impact. Within a next few seconds, a deafening clap of thunder shakes the dorm, and Yoongi lets out a little squeak of fear at the sound, eternally grateful that Hoseok is asleep-how in the actual fuck is that even possible?-so as not to hear the incredibly non-masculine noise the rapper emits.

Burying himself deeper into his blankets, he tries to block out the sounds of the wind roaring outside, the pelting rain smashing against the windows. He would rather die a slow and painful death than admit it to anybody, but Yoongi is terrified of storms; more specifically, thunder. He had made the mistake of telling Namjoon about it once, but the little fuck had found it highly amusing and still likes to tease him about him whenever they're alone-thankfully not around the others cause Namjoon isn't that much of a little shit.

Yoongi pulls the blankets over his head with a little yelp when another clap of thunder sounds outside, his body trembling in fear. He hates how pathetic he's acting, but he can't help it. Something about storms just scare the absolute hell out of him, and he's not really sure why. He's always been afraid ever since he was young. His mother used to have to come into his room at night and wrap a crying Yoongi in her arms as thunder roared outside, rubbing his back until the boy gradually fell asleep, focusing on the sound of his mother's soft voice instead of the storm raging outside.

They had gotten home late at night from a variety show earlier that day, and he'd been dead tired. All Yoongi wanted was to sleep, but apparently Mother Nature has other plans. Yoongi had been woken up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night by a clap of thunder so loud he actually shrieked, jolting up in bed with a gasp. Thank god Hoseok is a hard sleeper, or else he'd never live it down.

He bites his lip at the flash of light he can see even under the covers fills the room, awaiting the inevitable booming that follows. When it does, Yoongi whimpers softly, his heart racing as a cold sweat breaks out over his tense body.

Just then, amidst the raging sounds of the storm, the image of soft, fluffy blonde hair and smiling half-moon eyes fills his head, and Yoongi frowns in bemusement when the sudden thought crosses his mind. Why is he thinking about Park Jimin at a time like this? The black-haired boy furrows his brows, but his train of thought is interrupted by yet another bought of teeth-rattling thunder. His fists begin turning white from the death grip he has on the sheets as he swallows nervously, his throat scratchy and his mouth dry as the Sahara desert.

Jimin should be the last thing on his mind, but Yoongi's thoughts keep straying to soft little hands and squeaky, high pitched giggles that make his stomach flip. Full, plush lips parting into the most breathtaking smile he's ever seen fills Yoongi's head, and his heart picks up in pace, this time not in fear.

Yoongi frowns in discomfort as the almost overwhelming urge to have the younger boy hug him tight overtakes him. The blonde has a way of making Yoongi feel safe; his presence is gentle and warm, he's soft spoken when it's just the two of them, giving Yoongi the peace and quiet he craves, though the silence is comfortable and companionable instead of awkward, and the rapper is grateful to the boy for it. Everything about Jimin is just so soft, and Yoongi gravitates towards him like a moth to a flame.

Yoongi groans quietly when thunder shakes the room again, waiting for it to stop before he takes a deep breath, throwing the covers off and sitting up in bed. All he wants right now is Jimin's strong arms around him, protecting him from the storm and soothing him back to sleep.

He slides out of bed and opens the bedroom door, peering out to make sure the coast is clear before he slips out, his heart hammering nervously. It is dark in the dorm, but as he passes through the living room, he makes out Jungkook and Taehyung sprawled together on the couch, fast asleep and limbs tangled together. That means Jimin is alone in his and Taehyung's room, Yoongi realizes.

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