seawater kisses pt 2

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Taehyung ;

He waits impatiently by the Holy Halls, tracing back and forth as he waits for Lana. It's fairly soon after that he sees her coming closer, alone by all surprise. "Lana!" He greets her with an open hug, resisting the urge to strangle her right there on the spot.

"Taehyung, it's lovely to see you again. Should we go inside?" She asks sweetly.

"Yes," Taehyung says with a sharp nod. "Yes, I think that'll be best,"

And so, the two Sirens make their way inside, with Lana once again in awe of the ancient paintings and carved stone of Atlantis. With her back turned, Taehyung wastes no time in jumping on her and spinning the Siren around, pinning her petite body to the ground with a hand covering her mouth before he stuffs in cloth, stolen from a sunken ship that he would often explore with Jeongguk.

Lana screams, but her cries are worthless. Muffled by the fabric in her mouth.

"Keep your pretty mouth shut or I'll kill you right here," Taehyung snaps with a sharp slap to Lana's face. She lets out a distressed sound but then goes silent, wide eyes watching the elder in shock. "You really tried to steal Jeongguk from me," he says with a scoff. "How fucking stupid of you. Fucking royalty, think they can get whatever they fucking want," he says as he shakes his head.

"Jeongguk is mine. We were born to be together. But you- the fucking prissy pink fucking mermaid from South Side? You think you can waltz in here with your fucking bare chest out to try and woo my baby? My lover? My soul-mate ?!" He screeches.

He takes a deep breath and regains his composure, hands tightening around her neck. Lana weakly tries to shake her head, making soft noises of protest but is met with nothing but a cold and hard stare.

"I tried to make him see," Taehyung says. "Tried to make him stay. But he's convinced that being with you is the best thing. How fucking stupid is that?" He laughs, cackling into the open water, eyes wide and bloodshot. "But I got you now. I can demolish everything just by killing you. You're always in my fucking way. Have been for so many fucking years. But it's time we change that, yes? Time we exile you and your fucking family back to South Side. Except, you'll be leaving in a fucking body bag when I'm finished with you," Taehyung seethes.

"Taehyung! Lana!"

Taehyung sharply turns, catching sight of Jeongguk who floats in the entryway. "I saw you coming in here- what the fuck are you doing?!" He cries.

"Ah! Jeonggukie! I wanted you to see this," Taehyung laughs as he throws his head back.

Jeongguk powers towards Taehyung, only to be slammed against the marble pillars with a sickening crack by black magic. Jeongguk slips down the pillar to land on his side, weakly watching as Taehyung sweeps Lana from the ground to be pressed against his chest.

"I tried to get you to stay, Kook. I really did. It's a shame I have to do this to save our love," he says as he throws his head back, fangs sinking down before he slams them into Lana's neck, hearing the ear-deafening scream that escapes her. Jeongguk cries out, desperately trying to regain his strength to get to them, but by this point, it's just too late. Taehyung rips out a large chunk of Lana's neck with his teeth, spitting it away as Lana falls limp in his arms. Jeongguk cries out, a hand coming up only to fall back down again as his eyes squeezed shut from the pain.

Taehyung spins Lana's lifeless body around in the water, using his black claws to sink deep into her chest, ripping out her heart before he discards her body to the sand. He swims to Jeongguk who tries hard to scutter away from him, cowering as Taehyung holds out Lana's heart. "Proof of my love," Taehyung says.

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