privacy isnt the friend of gossip

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[Not my story]
Ao3 idyllic_hummingbird

Yoongi lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of the small town. Every morning, he would walk to the town to go work at his medicinal shop, giving customers herbal remedies he had concocted—teas, ointments, droppers full of essences that could ease their anxieties or discomforts in day to day life.

Every night, Yoongi would lock up the shop just after the time of the setting sun, dusk coming to an end, allowing the stars to grow bolder and sparkle in the darkening sky. Yoongi would walk the streets until he came to the town square. At the center of town, during the day it served as a market place, but by this time all the vendors were closed up, and the square’s purpose switched from one of commerce to one of entertainment. During the day, the stage in the center of town often served no purpose, only occasionally being put to use for an auction or perhaps a speech or two during the politic circuits. But every night, without fail, it was put to use. It was put to use by Jimin.

Every night, once the stars were out, shining in their full confidence, Jimin would don the stage, guitar in hand, a smile already strewn on his face, his skin already showing a faint glow. The townspeople would already be gathering around the wooden platform, eager and already cheering for him to begin. Once the crowd was deemed large enough, Jimin would raise his hand in the air, a silver pick between his fingers. The crowd would cheer as a drop of liquid silver fell from the sky and glinted onto the pick, and then Jimin would start to play.

The melodies Jimin could play from the guitar were enough to warm the hearts of every person in the town; some rumored the joy carried so far that even the nearest towns over were filled with people who smiled in their sleep. As the crowd cheered and danced and thrilled at Jimin’s playing, the boy’s smile would widen to a full grin, and his skin would sparkle and glow. It was a soft, whitish silvery light, much like the stars themselves, and with every cheer or shout of joy, every exclamation of love or admiration, Jimin’s aura would shimmer, flicker brighter for a moment in the excitement of it all.

Jimin always stopped playing at midnight. His last song would always be a soft one, quieter and delicate, to ease the crowd, calm the people as if to promise them a good night’s sleep. At the final strum of his guitar, Jimin would lift his hand to the sky once more, and everyone would witness the silver droplet reverse its descent to earth and return to the sky. Jimin would watch it until it disappeared, and then his gaze would return to the crowd, giving a final bright smile as he bowed and they all applauded, tossing coins and bills to the stage. His glow would remain, fainter than during his performance, but undoubtedly present for the rest of the night, as he left the stage to talk to the townspeople who stayed to give their personal praises or gifts to him.

Yoongi attended Jimin’s performance every night, but he stayed at a distance. He liked watching the crowd rather than being a part of it, and Jimin shined so brightly that Yoongi didn’t have to be close to know that he and his magical music were beautiful. Once the performance was over, and Jimin was surrounded by a crowd of adoring people, Yoongi would walk by, dropping a few bills into Jimin’s guitar case. Sometimes as he was passing through the crowd, he would catch the younger’s eye, and give him a smile and nod of acknowledgement, which Jimin would kindly return before someone in the crowd demanded his attention.

“You’re in love with him,” Hoseok said, head in his hands, elbows on the counter of the medicinal shop.

Yoongi’s friend would come help some days and work the register while Yoongi prepared the remedies, stocked the shelves, tended to his plants and other shop needs. At the end of one aisle, spritzing a hanging basket of flowers, he turned to look at Hoseok.

“Everyone’s in love with Jimin. How could you not be?” he responded calmly.

Hoseok scoffed. “But you’re like, actually in love with him.”

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