secret santa

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[Not my story]
Ao3  peperosmile

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Min Yoongi deadpanned, looking straight at his best friend Seokjin who was wearing the brightest expression since the school announced that they would bring back Pizza Week. He slammed his locker shut with a loud metallic ‘clang’ which earned him a few glares from the other students walking past.

“C’mon! It would be so much fun. Besides, I wanted us to have a little tradition now that we’re all so chummy.” Jin could barely contain himself and it was pissing Yoongi off.

Yoongi faked vomiting and started walking. “I hate the holidays as it is, and now you’re asking me to join in this Secret Santa rubbish?”

Jin widened his eyes as they walked together. “It’s not rubbish! It’s fun and all of us have already agreed to it so you can’t back out.”

Yoongi closed his eyes and cursed. He just remembered that Namjoon left for America 2 weeks ago which  meant that their usual 7 member gang was now even numbered, and that he didn’t really have a choice.

“Okay fine, whatever, I’ll do your Secret whatever.” He said after a moment of hesitation. What’s the worst thing that could happen, right?

Jin stopped in his tracks and smiled his 10 megawatt smile which sent all the girls in their grade into a frenzy. “Then it’s settled! I’ll meet you after clubs. The gang’s meeting up in front of my locker.” With a wave and a quick spin of his Adidas trainers, Jin hurried off down to hall to French Club as it was having a cooking special.

Yoongi scoffed and threw his bag over his shoulder after taking his headphones out. He walked into room A 102 and plopped down on one of the seats right at the back. Poetry Club had already started but he couldn’t care less. It’s the same every week anyways, someone reads out a pathetic sonnet that they crafted in between classes about some senior that they’ve got no chance with and how they ‘broke their heart’ despite having no actual contact with them. He joined it along with Namjoon just so they could practice writing rap lyrics and passing them off as slam poetry simply because the challenge was fun and, naturally, to show off. Yoongi had to admit that he was pretty good at what he did. An hour passed by quickly and before he knew it, club hours were over. He braced himself as he begun shuffling over to Jin’s locker, hoping that it wouldn’t be too bad.

Everyone was already there, guaffing away. Hoseok was chatting away animatedly with Jungkook and Taehyung, who were doubling with laughter. Jin stood in the middle of them, laughing with the back of his hand pressed against his mouth, as always. Behind the taller boy was someone who very recently joined their friend group. Well, at least three months ago was considered ‘very recently’ to Yoongi. Jungkook teased him and said that he was way too guarded and it earned him a sharp jab in the ribs. Park Jimin was stood there smiling timidly, ruffling his hair with his left hand. He probably couldn’t catch up with Hoseok’s inside jokes and being the shy person Jimin is, he probably didn’t want to ask.

Tsk. His shyness annoyed Yoongi for some reason, but he wasn’t exactly sure why. Not bothering to think about it too much, he walked up to them and smacked Taehyung playfully on the back.

Oy!” He howled, “What was that for, hyung?” Taehyung pouted and began rubbing his now sore back.

“Existing.” replied Yoongi simply. “So, are we doing this or?” He asked, glancing at Jin.

Jin pulled out a badly knitted red sock from behind him. “Everyone pick a name! And remember, no telling!”

Excitement was evident in the air as everyone rushed to grab a piece of paper. Yoongi opened his and cursed at the ground. 

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