the ship that sailed itself

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[Not my story]
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Should have brought something to drink. That was Yoongi’s second mistake.

His first was bringing Jimin along for this job.

“Yah, this is so boring. Are you sure we’re in the right place?”

Yoongi sighs, his grip tightening on his gun. “For the last fucking time, yes. Check the coordinates, if you’re so goddamn concerned.”

Jimin shrugs his shoulders and does just that, causing the boat to rock slightly as he makes his way to the captain’s wheel. Yoongi watches him go, his eyes lingering on the thick, muscled thighs and phenomenal ass trapped inside tight black leather pants, before shaking his head and turning back to the front of the boat.

He’d known taking this job with Jimin was a terrible idea. Yoongi has trouble keeping his shit together with the red-head on land—he has no fucking idea what he was thinking trapping himself on a boat with him, in the middle of the ocean. Alone.

Namjoon owes him big time for this. The mystery fish monster was originally supposed to be his mark, but tonight was his and Seokjin’s first anniversary. The group’s mothering, Mario-loving medic had spent weeks planning for the night, even reserving a three course meal at a pricey restaurant and a hotel room.

Normally, Yoongi wouldn’t have given a flying fuck. Should’ve thought ahead, planned that out better. But he would have had to be the devil himself to look his hyung in his huge, kicked-puppy eyes and say ‘no’ when he’d begged Yoongi to help them out. And so here he was, alone on a speedboat in the middle of nowhere with the guy he’s been hardcore thirsting after since the red-head had joined the BTS division several months ago.

Jeongguk is his first pick as his partner for jobs, when Namjoon isn’t available. The maknae is their best melee fighter, talented at a wide range of close-combat weapons and fantastic at improvisation when he found himself without his knife or brass-knuckles. Yoongi specializes in long-range weapons, particular the bow and arrow and a sniper rifle, so they work well together. Jeongguk also prefers silence to conversation while on the job, which is a godsend to Yoongi. Before Kook had joined the group and partnered with him, he had been training Taehyung. Damn, that kid likes to talk. Worse, he liked to wander off, which was incredibly frustrating when you’re meant to be closing in on a mark, and your partner’s checking out the foliage twenty yards away, looking for monk’s hood.

Yoongi actually thanked Hoseok, when he took over training for their resident alchemist. In person. With food.

This time, however, Jeongguk had left the city to visit his family. Taehyung and Hoseok were away on another job in the city. That left only one person from their division, and while Yoongi was sure he could handle it on his own, the company’s rules were explicit and absolute: no solo missions. Period.

Jimin, as a partner, is fine. Great, actually. He’s a melee fighter like Jeongguk, though he’s primarily focused in spears and other types of pole weapons. He’d brought a silver trident along for the occasion, which Yoongi refuses to admit is hilarious. And he works hard before every mission, making sure that there were first aid supplies if Seokjin wasn’t with them and their directions for the mark are double-checked and accurate. He even packs small meals in case a hunt runs long. He’s like a mix of Jeongguk and Seokjin, mothering but a good match tactically.

The problem’s not Jimin. It’s Yoongi.

Park Jimin draws Yoongi in like a fucking moth to the flame. If it was just about Jimin’s body, he would have been over him ages ago. No, it’s the sweet-hearted nature that has him looking after Taehyung when he gets sick or injures himself in an experiment. It’s the overwhelming affection he showers on the maknae, who pretends he hates it but secretly appreciates it after spending nearly five years away from his family. It’s the support he gives to every member of the team in the form of advice, encouragement, and physical comfort without expecting anything in return. It’s the way he helps Seokjin cook group dinners, the way he listens to Namjoon’s philosophical ramblings and dances for hours alongside Hoseok. The way he brings Yoongi dinner on long nights and a change of clothes, and wraps a blanket around his shoulders when he’s fallen asleep at his desk.

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