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[Not my story]
Ao3 minyoonD

By day Jimin was okay, his thoughts were elsewhere and as were his emotions. At night, on the other hand, Jimin wasn't as peachy. It's not that Jimin was sad, he wasn't really, he was just lonely. He thought of what it would be like sleeping in someones arms rather than cold, empty sheets and sometimes the thought brought him to the verge of tears. At his ripe age of twenty-one he was beginning to wonder if he would ever really find his soulmate. Jimin had watched countless films and read numerous books on first meetings but at this point he thought of it more as rubish. He'd heard it described as a 'click' as two worlds collide. His parents always told him he'll know it when he feels it because it's an undeniable feeling. Jimin had also heard of people who never met their soulmate or people who meet their soulmate but are already in relationships and live on as friends, he couldn't picture it.

He curled in on himself on the double sized mattress. It felt to big to sleep in alone, too empty. He brought the blanket up to his chin, closed his eyes and whispered into the emptiness of his apartment.

"I know you're out there, I can feel you."

He sat in silence for a few moments wishing, praying for some kind of sign or feeling but when none came he broke the silence again.

"Please find me."

Yoongi, unlike Jimin, had completely given up on the idea of soulmates. A spiritual bond that drew two people together, Yoongi scoffed at the idea. He was plenty whole enough on his own. There was one time Yoongi thought he felt it, just one time, and it turned out to be the biggest mistake of his life when his 'soulmate' found her actually soulmate and married him not long after. Ever since then, Yoongi called bullshit on the idea of 'soulmates', 'life long partners', he thought himself better off alone and free of distraction so he could work on his music. Though, in the back of his mind he had to admit that maybe if he felt it and he really knew he did, just maybe, he could believe.

At twenty-four Yoongi acted as if he was over the idea of relationships, "Not for me." he'd say with a shrug. Yet, every night, he felt that undescribable bond with someone. He didn't know who that someone was but he liked to pretend that maybe it was his soulmate. The shrugging and tough talk were all pushed aside when he laid on his bed at night and felt a wave of loneliness wash over him. The emotions felt foreign, like they weren't his own.

They were awful.

If it was his soulmate he hoped to find them and take that feeling away forever, he couldn't describe how terrible and tight his chest felt at the idea. He'd decided to let his soulmate find him. If it was really real they would find him, he was atleast sure of that, if nothing else.

Over time the bond that Jimin felt only got stronger and stronger. It was so intense he couldn't push it aside anymore. He dreamt of sweet smiles of a stranger and songs he'd never heard before. Loneliness and want took over his thoughts and he longed for his other half.

Though Jimin didn't know it, some nights Yoongi stayed up late playing away the feeling of loneliness on the grand piano in his living room. Those nights Jimin was unable to explain the calm that washed over him and put him to sleep.

Jimin hoped that his soulmate would find him soon because the longing was starting to mentally hurt him in all the worst ways. Jimin was a very sociable person and just like any other, he needed love. While he watched everyone around him find their other halves and fall completely head over heals, he could only dream that someday he would also be complete. On the worst nights he cried himself to sleep and whispered, begged, his soulmate to find him because he couldn't take it anymore. Sometimes he could swear he heard a voice in his head answering back to him, cooing him to sleep. He really thought he was going crazy.

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