pull me closer

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[Not my story]
Ao3 Willow_Odessa2333

Sleep never came easily. Nights were always long. Half-drained bottles and various color palettes of high-coverage concealer littered Jimin’s bathroom counter. His bed was always made, without a crease out of place. Sleep never was friendly with Jimin. Boiled down to the roots, he couldn’t stand the combination of being alone and being in quiet darkness.

The library was Jimin’s second home. He spent the early hours curled on the beanbags scattered between narrow rows of fiction, non-fiction, and fantasy. The smell of collected dust and yellowed pages was calm, soothing, and safe. Jimin liked to read, but when the librarian turned off the light and locked up at midnight every night thinking that everyone had already vacated, there was barely enough light to make out the titles on the spines of the books. He usually spent his time aimlessly wandering through the rows

He found Suga0309 one night as he scrolled through V-live, hoping to find someone who could keep him company in the single digits of time. There were very few channels still live at 3AM, and this was one of them. He was expecting a gamer or someone traveling abroad in a different timezone, but he was taken aback by the gruff voice on a dark screen. Only vague silhouettes were visible on the screen. It was very rare for people to not show their face, since it’s good clickbait especially if they were attractive. But the faceless speaker caught Jimin’s attention nonetheless, sending goosebumps down Jimin’s spine as he murmured roughly through the live stream.

Suga0309 talked about missing Daegu. He described how he used to stop by his neighbor’s backyard and play with their dog everyday after school. His voice was low, close to a whisper, and was a good kind of raspy. He spoke with heavy sentiment of how the small pieces of candy he would suck on in between classes tasted and how his grandmother would always give him a handful of coins to buy soy sauce from the market nearby.

Jimin thought of his childhood home. The stranger’s voice seamlessly wove into the longings for his hometown, where the sound of the tidal waves of Busan rocked him to sleep.


Min Yoongi turned off his broadcast. There weren’t many viewers watching at 3AM, but he had a steady handful of viewers loyally watching every night. He spoke carelessly about all the thoughts that kept him up at night until they disappeared as they were spoken out as words and released back into the world.

Tonight, Yoongi talked about his home in Daegu. Sleep never came easily for Yoongi. Nights were long, and he often found himself harboring a deep ache for home. He’s in one of Seoul’s best universities, but it was difficult to call this concrete jungle home. Homesickness was his ghost, prying at his mind every night once the moon rose into the sky. Talking about it helps, and that’s why Yoongi started a V live channel.

After tirelessly describing little details about his elementary school life with his parents in a nice little condo, exhaustion finally dawned on him at ten to four AM. He whispered a goodbye to the few viewers in the double digits, and turned off his live show. The weight of living alone in a foreign city was lifted a little, and sleep found him with fair ease.


Yoongi woke up in his usual spot, at his usual time. It was 11AM, and his grumbling stomach pulled him back to consciousness. He usually slept curled up on one of the beanbags in the back of the library, where he did his live streams.

He rubbed his eyes, and let out a yawn. Seven hours of sleep was a luxury for junior university students, and Yoongi made sure that he at least got that much. Falling asleep at ungodly hours was not going to be working in his favor, so he used quantity to make up for the lack of quality.

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