sleep talk

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[Not my story]
(Same world and author as good morning hyung)

Yoongi stared at the ceiling of his room and breathed as quietly as he could possibly manage.

Three days ago, when Jimin had suggested a change in their regular routine, he’d agreed with embarrassing rapidity. The new arrangement required fairly minimal shuffling in their dorms - Hoseok had agreed without any qualms to switch with Jimin and move into a room with Namjoon and Taehyung. The perverted fucker was probably looking for any excuse to share a room with Namjoon, so the two of them could combine their porn collection and discuss whatever freaky things they wanted away from Seokjin’s vigilant censorship.

The arrangement had been Seokjin’s idea, truly. “It just makes more sense to put you two together if Jimin’s going to have to wake you up anyway.”He’d shrugged while suggesting it, knowing that Yoongi wouldn’t be able to resist and that Jimin would be too shy to ask on his own for another fifty years, if he ever managed to work up the courage.

Three days ago, they had spent the day moving Hoseok’s collection of action figures and One Piece sheets into the triple room, and Jimin had settled into the half of the room opposite to Yoongi with a red flush that definitely didn’t come from the exertion of moving boxes.

Jimin had woken him up with a gentle whisper and a nervous kiss to Yoongi’s temple the next morning, before they had been whisked away to a day full of promotions and a fanmeet that seemed to stretch on for hours. The both of them had slept in the following morning, only to be roused by the sound of Jeongguk and Taehyung wrestling in the living room and their TV being a (tragic) casualty of the match.

Both nights prior to this one, Yoongi had fallen into too deep of a sleep to realize what exactly sharing a room with Jimin was like.

“Mmmmmph,” came the long sigh from across the dark room. “Yah, hyungie, shhhhh.”

Yoongi pressed his lips firmly together to stop the amused noise bubbling up in his chest. Either this was a rare phenomenon, or the best kept secret between the seven of them.

Jimin was sleep talking .

And god help him if it wasn’t the most endearing goddamn thing Yoongi had ever witnessed.

From underneath his pile of pillows and blankets, Yoongi could make out the faint outline of Jimin with his arm thrown across his eyes, laying on his back. He mumbled incoherencies, for the most part, but every few moments if Yoongi was lucky -

“Not banana,” Jimin slurred. “Strawberry, thas’ the best.”

God, it was cute .

Jimin had woken him from the peaceful lull of sleep with stupid ramblings that switched gears every second, and Yoongi wasn’t even mad.

He was whipped, was what he was.

It was so juvenile, for Yoongi to stay up in the dark of the night to listen to Jimin’s convoluted stream of consciousness when they had such damn full schedules during the day. He would surely regret the past thirty minutes he had spent listening, and the even larger chunk of time he was sure to spend following right now.

But hell, listening to Jimin talk in his sleep was like being able to watch his dreams on a big screen, and Yoongi was kind of mesmerized. Not even kind of - he was a lot mesmerized.

“You can’t make a cake with that.” Jimin berated, and Yoongi stifled a groan. Even in his sleep, the younger boy was a bossy little shit.

“But iss’ his birthday, ” he continued. “We gotta. ” God, he sounded like he was going to cry. The quavering in his tone pulled at Yoongi’s cold little heart strings. He resisted the urge to slip out of bed and put a soothing hand on Jimin’s back.

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