plush protectors

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[Not my story]
Ao3 Btschimchimjams

The Plush Protectors Agency had a strict code of conduct that they lived by. It was an extremely lengthy thing that went into all sorts of (irrelevant, if you ask Yoongi) details. However, the essence of which can easily be summed up in just about two rules.

Protect your child.Never. Ever. EVER. Act in-front of an Adult.

Which brings us to the current predicament.

Now, Min Yoongi, or SugaBear, has been one of the longest players in the game.

Simply said, he is one of the best.

That being said, his past experiences had not prepared Yoongi for his current situation.

It was well past midnight. Yoongi, in his fluffy white bear form, lay on his side, flush against his “child”. Why “child”? Because his so called child was Park Jimin, a 23 years old undergrad student. Emphasis on 23 years old.

Normally, a child grows out of love with his or her stuffies by the ages of 6 or 7, at which point the Agency considers them capable of getting help if need be and/or being able to survive on their own. Of course, this age was an approximation, there was the occasional child who had a bit more trouble parting with their beloved stuffies. This is why the agency had set no age limit to a Plush-Child protection contract. So, Plushies could protect their child as long as need be.

Yoongi had never given that clause much thought. All his past cases had had no problem letting him go. Not until now, when it’s been just over twenty years, and his “child” was no closer to letting go of SugaBear than he had been when he received him at the age of two.

Now, don’t get Yoongi wrong. There had been something about this match, something about actually watching his child grow up, that had formed a special place for Jimin in his heart, but no matter how fond Yoongi was of the sweet boy that worked so hard and was so pure with a smile so beautiful it gave the Sun a run for its money, well Yoongi couldn’t help but feel useless.

His job was to protect. That was his whole life purpose. What good was he, if he couldn’t do the one thing he was created to do? Protect his child? Because, let’s be honest, what monster in their rightful mind will give away the existence of monsters by attacking an adult?

And even if some monster was stupid (or hungry) enough to try and attack, Yoongi can‘t transform into his human form to protect him, because Plushies never, ever, EVER, use magic in front of adults. It’s one of their oldest rules.

So Yoongi lives his days, trapped in his lifeless form, with little to no hope of being free. Not unless Jimin has a child of his own and passes Yoongi along. Which would take years.

It could be worse though, Yoongi muses. It could be a snotty 5 year old with no concept of gentleness or personal hygiene. And yes, Yoongi speaks from experience. Oh how he had rejoiced the day he had been freed from that contract.

No, Jimin was an angel with a soft spot for all things cute. No, Yoongi didn’t mind when his dreary existence would become a bit brighter upon seeing that beautiful smile light up Jimin’s face. And no, he couldn’t complain when Jimin’s cheerful laughs would ring through the room, momentarily making Yoongi forget about anything else in the world. 

And perhaps, Yoongi even looked forward to the days when Jimin was in a really good mood and would jump into bed pulling SugaBear into his arms and begin nuzzling his nose into the soft fur with the cutest little giggles escaping his sweet lips. No, Yoongi didn’t mind that at all.


It was nearing two in the morning, when Yoongi had finally had enough of staring at Jimin sleeping and was nodding off to sleep himself when he felt it. The shift in the air. The drop of the temperature. Something was wrong. Something was really, really wrong.

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