meant to be

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[Not my story]
Ao3 Gabiz23

At first Jimin thought something was wrong with him, that he wasn’t strong enough to feel the pull. His mother got her familiar at age of 6, even his little brother had one. Jimin always felt wrong. While his classmates would go around casting simple spells he would go to his grandma’s house help her with her flowers. His mother called him a special boy and he didn’t know if it was a good thing.

He would spend hours looking at his bedroom walls, imagining what his familiar would be. Maybe a little cat like his mother’s or something big like his father’s deer. He couldn’t help but imagine what it felt to be whole.

The pull, they said, was the strongest think you would ever feel, it was like your body and mind were longing for something. One would say it was like looking for the love of your life. Jimin just wished he could feel something.

“Having a familiar isn’t that great” Hoseok said while putting a towel around his neck, sweat still dripping from his forehead.

“You have a familiar”

“Yeah, And it’s a fucking horse. I love Mang but you can’t walk around with with a horse following you!”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

He wasn’t bitter that all his friends had familiars, and that their magic was stronger than his for the same reason. Jimin didn’t care about magic.

“I can let you ride him, if you want.” Hoseok offered.

“No thanks, I like walking.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

That wasn’t a lie, he did like walking, even though all his muscles were sore from dance practice and he would do anything to be him right now he wasn’t going to accept Hoseok’s offer. He was petty, okay?

When Jimin opened his eyes, everything surrounding him was blue.

He could feel the air leave his body. Could feel the cold from the water. But he wasn’t drowning. It’s not the first time he had that dream. He knows what happens next.

It starts with the water, then the panic. And then nothing. He just stays there, under water. But he knows this time is different. There is a voice calling his name, a voice he doesn’t recognize.

He can also feel the water moving around him, that’s new too. He knows he’s not alone and he’s not afraid. Never afraid, no.

When he has those dreams he feels whole, almost.

He can hear the voice calling his name. “Jimin, Jimin” non stop. He wants to answer back. “I’m fine, I’m not drowning.” But his voice never comes out. He never screams back.

There is a shadow moving on the corner of his eye. It’s big. Big enough to eat Jimin whole in just one bite. The shadow comes closer as soon as the voice stops calling him. There is just silence.

The shadow moves and Jimin moves with it, like a mirror.

“Show yourself!” Jimin demands in his mind. The thing moves closer, Jimin does too.

“Show yourself to me! "

And the thing does. All Jimin can see is it’s eyes, blue and so human like. It looks so much like Jimin’s own eyes.

“Come find me.” The thing says, Jimin can hear it as if it was his own thoughts. “I will.” He promises.

Then Jimin wakes up.


He never told anyone about his dreams.

He wasn’t scared about what Hoseok or his family would say. He was scared about what the dreams meant. It wasn’t uncommon for people to have dreams about their familiars, almost everyone had it, but it was uncommon to not feel the pull when for are awake.

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