october 13, 3 AM KST

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[Not my story]
Ao3 fanficloverme96

He dreams of soft colors.

He dreams of warmth, enveloping him like a blanket.

He sees a boy, his hand reaching out to him.

He thinks – no, he’s sure – he knows him.



Yoongi hears a knock on the door.


Another knock.



“Jesus freaking Christ,” Yoongi grumbles as he throws off his covers, swinging his legs off the mattress before slipping on his bedroom slippers. He rubs his eyes groggily, mumbling under his breath as he walks towards the door.

It's a freaking Friday and their one day off before they head to Japan for their concert and Yoongi looks forward to having his sleep undisturbed, thank you very much. Whoever it is better have a good reason for ruining his plan on actually getting a proper night's sleep. 

He spies Jin from his side of the room – the elder is still fast asleep, one arm hugging a sheep doll he recently got from a fan, cheeks pressed against the pillows as he snores. He doesn’t seem to show signs of stirring, and Yoongi sighs. He should probably keep it that way. 

He stumbles through the dark, nearly tripping over his duffle bag lying on the floor (Jesus. Yoongi can’t remember the last time he cleaned his room). When he finally reaches the door, he puts his hand on the knob and twists.

The first thing he sees when he opens the door is a mob of messy blonde hair.

Followed by the sound of a very familiar squeak of surprise.



Yoongi peers, making sure he is not seeing things.

He’s not.

There’s no mistaking it.

“Hyung,” Jimin answers, sounding timid.

Yoongi sighs, running a hand through his hair as he leans against the doorframe. “It’s late, Jimin-ah. What are you doing up?”

“Dimin-ie couldn’t sleep.”

The nickname catches Yoongi’s attention. He straightens and peers into Jimin’s face. He furrows his brows, pausing. He sniffs the air.


“Jimin, who have you been drinking with?”

A loopy smile appears on Jimin’s face, and he giggles softly, wringing his hands together. He is wearing one of Hoseok’s oversized sweater, its loose material making the boy look smaller than he already is.

“Taehyung!” Jimin says cheerfully. “Says it’s for my birthday.”

Yoongi raises his eyebrow. “Riiiiight.” He looks over Jimin’s shoulder to look for the aforementioned boy. “And where is Taehyung now?”

“Asleep,” Jimin answers, “Dimin-ie is jealous. He sleeps more soundly than I can.”

Jimin giggles again, and says something about Taehyung giving him more alcohol than usual because it’s his birthday and he should loosen up. As he rambles about the embarrassing videos Taehyung and Jungkook uploaded on Twitter for his birthday, and how much he looks forward to Jin’s seaweed soup in the morning, Yoongi listens patiently, taking note of how Jimin stumbles and slurs on certain words.

Yoonmin OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora