yoongi's 'secret' admirer

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[Not my story]
Ao3 Jimbles0703

Class was out and Yoongi walked to his locker, eager to leave school and for something else.

He caught a glimpse of pink against a locker and walked just a little faster.

For the past two weeks, Yoongi has been getting pastel pink post-it’s from his ‘secret admirer’ (Hoseok’s term, not his). The gesture is cute but the content... hm.

Yoongi plucked the post-it from his locker, scanning the handwriting that he was getting familiar with and as usual, he smiles.

“If you were a Transformer, you would be a HOT-obot and your name would be Optimus Pine Fine.”

Yup, his “secret admirer” somehow (more often than not) manages to screw up the pick-up line. Yoongi found it endearing and always looked forward to the pink post-its.

Yoongi opened his locker, piling today’s post-it on other post-its in a little box, labeled ‘He’s trying’.

How did Yoongi know it was a guy? Even though the post-its were pink? Well that’s simple. His secret admirer was not as smooth as they wished they were.

The first time Yoongi got a pink post-it was after Basketball practice. He was surprised to read “You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pick-up line” on his changing room locker in black ink, and neat handwriting.

Yoongi could only raise an eyebrow and amidst his sweaty team-members, there stood a boy in full-uniform, staring at him, pink post-its in hand. After 3 seconds of eye-contact, the boy pushed up his spectacles, looked down (blushing) and ran out of the changing room.

Ever since then, the boy has been leaving pink post-its on Yoongi’s locker (not the one in his changing room though the poor boy probably learnt his lesson after his team mates saw everything and hollered).

Yoongi was curious as to when the boy would confess. It’s not like Yoongi would reject him; it helped that his admirer was cute and endearing. Though, he was pretty sure it won’t be any time soon, so should he make the first move?

Whenever Yoongi sees the boy around school, said boy would always hang his head low, trying his hardest to avoid eye contact. Yet, on paper, he seems confident (and clumsy).

“So did he finally confess?”

Yoongi closed his locker to see Hoseok’s all-knowing grin.

“No... why would you think he likes me.” Yoongi says. Although in his heart, he knows that his admirer at least had a crush on him.

Hoseok just stared at him in disbelief. His friend wasn’t that dense.

“Well if you say so... It could be your chance of finally getting a relationship but HEY you didn’t hear that from me.”

Hoseok proceeded to poke his sides and laughed when Yoongi swatted him away. Hoseok’s laugh died and suddenly he slung his arm on Yoongi’s shoulder.

“Hey buddy...” That can’t be good.

“What did you do.”

“Well um you see, I have this really, uh, urgent meeting to attend today-“

“- so like a date.” Yoong cut in. Hoseok smiled sheepishly.

“And I’m gonna be late if I don’t go soon buttttttt...” Hoseok proceeds to hand Yoongi a stack of books.

“I need to return these to the library by today!! Please help me drop them off!! I’ll return the favor I promise.”

Seeing as how the books were already in Yoongi’s hands, he can’t really say no. Yoongi just huffed and Hoseok gave him a lil side hug.

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