the last

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[Not my story]
Ao3 Atinydesire

Jimin was sure that he would have to throw up. No matter how often he had already heard this sound, he knew that he would propably never get used to things like this. The sound the Zombies head made as it basically exploded under the heel of Yoongis combat Boots was absolutely nauseating and Jimin had to breath through his mouth while he tried to fight the sick feeling in his guts.

"I think that was the last one.", Yoongi said while he wiped his sweaty forehead with the sleeve of his Hoodie. They had to killed dozens of the creatures while they had entered the abandoned Mall.

Jimin nodded while he reloaded his Shotgun. Better to be safe than sorry. Especially that there was only the two of them right now. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook where raiding the city-center nearby while Taehyung and Seokjin lingered in their base to keep in contact with them over mobile radio.

"We should still check the Hallways and be very careful!", Jimin murmured. Yoongi nodded while he wiped blood from his knife. "Please be careful, Jiminie!".
The soft spoken words made Jimin blush. It was stupid to get all bashful while they were still in possible danger, he should be very attentive instead of having his head in the clouds. But it still caused a warm feeling inside Jimins stomach to spread.

He cleared his throat. "You too, Yoongi. Pleas don't get hurt." Yoongi smile his heart-stealing gummy smile. "Don't bother! We'll meet in the center of the Mall in 20 Minutes, alright?"

Jimin returned Yoongis beautiful smile. "Okay. See you soon!". And then they parted ways.
Jimin recalled the list of things they needed the most in his head. Seokjin had told all of them that they should especially search for medical supplies and batteries, additional to everything edible of course. After Tae had fallen down a roof while he and Jungkook had escaped a building full of zombies, their medical resources had decreased gravely.

He entered every store he could get into, always keeping an eye open for anything useful. Most of the shops were already raided and almost empty, but he still found some utilizable thing. Even a few canned peaches and a large bag of cookies that he knew Taehyung would love.

After Jimin had collect everything that they could use and need, he stuffed all of his captured goods inside his bagpack. His mind was occupied with harkening into the silence of the mall. So when he looked up, Jimin was quite surprised to see Yoongi standing down the hallway in front of a jewelry store, examining the sparkling pieces inside. Even when Jimin was several feet away from Yoongi, he could see his eyes darken. They were laying on something behind the glass of the shops window, his facial expression was hard to read.

Jimin walked over to him, coming to a halt next to the pale boy. Behind the display window there were a large amount of beautiful bracelets, necklaces and rings, but also some very expensive looking wristwatches.
The two boys just stood there for a moment, silent, side by side, looking at the glistening pieces of jewellery. The only sound that was piercing through the quietness was their steady breathing.

"Before... All of this started... I always dreamed of owning a Rolex watch like one of these. I thought, if I could afford such an expensive watch, I would... I don't know. I would be someone. Would be proud of myself and successful."
Yoongis voice was emotionless, but Jimin knew that there was a storm of feelings raging inside the older boy. But Yoongi was not comfortable to show his emotions to anyone, even if he had opened up to Jimin previously.

Yoongi sighed deeply. "I don't know how it even feels anymore to be so stupid and carefree. All I can think about now when I look at those watches is how dangerous it would get to wear one. Because I could easily get stuck on something because of it or one of those fuckers might grab it and hold on to it. Although it would be a very ironic death to die in the Apocalypse because of a fucking Rolex.", Yoongi huffed.

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