like flowers in the snow

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[Not my story]

Yoongi loved his townhouse. It was tucked away on a private drive, just far enough from the city to be quiet and peaceful but still convenient. He also had gotten lucky with the neighbors he had, as sharing a wall where the two homes were split could have been a nightmare if they were noisy. But two younger guys had moved in about six months ago, and Yoongi never had a single problem in regards to noise, parking, or any other neighborly issues.

In fact, he often found himself grateful that they had moved in, as bumping into them regularly always made for friendly conversation. Yoongi was an extremely introverted person—his family members teased that he had become a hermit. He lived an intentionally quiet life, so it wasn’t unusual for his run-ins with Taehyung or Jimin to be his sole conversations of the day.

“Good morning, hyung!” Jimin would cheerfully greet Yoongi as he walked to his car. “Any new future best sellers?”

Yoongi was a literary agent, another reason his life involved little human interaction—his clientele was global, so most of his communication was via emails and occasional phone calls. He once mentioned to Jimin that several of the authors he worked with had bestselling novels, without realizing how Jimin would find that to be so impressive.

“Must mean you’re a good agent,” Jimin had said.

“I hope so,” Yoongi replied with a laugh, and ever since it became Jimin’s way of asking Yoongi how work was going.

Yoongi would smile at Jimin’s greeting and briefly tell him about the latest authors he was working with, until he would check his watch and regretfully have to leave Jimin to drive to the office.

During the summer and fall seasons, whenever the weather was agreeable, Yoongi would come home in the evenings to find Jimin and Taehyung on their porch. They would greet him, inviting him to sit with them while the sun settled behind the trees, and occasionally Yoongi would surprise himself by actually joining them.

For the first month or so, Yoongi was unsure of the nature of the two boys’ relationship. Even though they lived together and seemed very close, Yoongi felt like they had a more friendship vibe—but he didn’t want to make assumptions, nor did he want to appear nosy and ask them an intrusive question about their personal lives. They had told him about how they met in college, and that they both graduated and got jobs in the city—Taehyung a photographer and Jimin a curator at the art museum—which was when they decided to move in together. It wasn’t until Taehyung started bringing home another boy, Jungkook, who he eventually introduced to Yoongi as his boyfriend, that it became clear that he and Jimin were in fact just close friends.

Not that it mattered to Yoongi—they were just his neighbors, their business was their own. He didn’t like feeling nosy, and would get annoyed at himself whenever his thoughts wandered to the fact that he never saw Jimin bringing someone over like Tae did.

One late October evening, Yoongi found himself waving to the three boys as he walked up the drive way. About to walk up the steps to his door of the townhouse, Jimin called out to him.

“Come join us, hyung! Don’t leave me alone with these two lovebirds.”

The three of them laughed, and Yoongi smiled at the pink haired boy leaning over the railing, grinning at him with a beer in hand.

He shrugged. “Alright.”

Yoongi walked over to their porch and sat down in a patio chair next to Jimin, who handed him a beer. Taehyung and Jungkook were on the opposite side of the small porch, sitting on a hanging wooden swing. Jungkook’s legs were across Taehyung’s lap, and Tae’s hands rested on Jungkook’s knees.

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